10. Chasing and an argument

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Y/n walked down the side walk, trying to be as discreet as possible but it was kind of hard to do that when you're a teenage girl walking around in a less than kid friendly town.

"Hey beautiful where ya headed" y/n turned around to face a boy with greasy dark brown hair and green eyes, he looked only a few years older than her. But it still didn't make her feel any less uncomfortable.

"Shy are we? Why don't I walk you there, it's not safe on your own ya know" he smirked inching towards her.

"No thanks, I can walk on my own" she said in a low bothered tone, hopefully he'd take the hint and leave her alone but as she walked he followed beside her.

Kirishima and bakugo watched this unfold and as kirishima was going to run out and stop the guy following her before it got out of hand bakugo put his arm out in front of him.

"I think now is the time to help her!" He whisper yelled.

"Shut up. Let's see if she can handle it first"

Chasing and an argument

She stopped dead in her tracks and the guy stopped right behind her, so close that she could feel his breath on the back of her neck. She felt a hand rest on the small of her back, she flinched anger started to boil within her. She quickly turned around and punched the guy square in his jaw, he clutched it wincing in pain.

"Don't you ever put your filthy fucking hands on me or any other woman like that again" she hissed, and as he was bent over grabbed his hair and kneed his head, causing him to be knocked unconscious.

"Woah.." kirishima whispered, he had never seen her so violent before. And pushed aside how attractive she was at that moment, to keep following her.

She stopped walking again and the two boys hid behind a wall as she turned around.

"Who are you, might as well come out I already know you've been following me for a while" she growled.

The boys slowly walked out from behind the wall and she clenched her teeth in annoyance.

"What the fuck are you two doing here?! Kirishima did I not tell you to stop following me"

"You said you weren't gonna take me on your bike, so I got a ride. Did you really think I was gonna let you come here alone? Just let me help you for once!" Kirishima yelled as they walked up to her.

"I don't need your fucking help! I don't know why you insist on always 'protecting me' like I'm some child"



The two went silent, kirishima looked down hurt by her comment, she immediately regretted the words that came out of her mouth. Bakugo stood next to his friend feeling an overflowing amount of anger towards the girl in front of them.

"What the hell is your problem? All this idiot does is think about you, and help you, and do things for you to be happy. And you can't fucking accept it because you hate yourself that much. Grow the fuck up, come on shitty hair I'm driving you back home. This bitch can do whatever the hell she wants"

"Don't act like you fucking know me. You have no idea who I am neither of you do, you have no right to tell me to grow up you dick!" She yelled her nails cutting the palms of her hands as she squeezed her fists in anger.

"GUYS STOP!" Kirishima yelled and silence followed right after.

"Stop arguing damn it, if you want me to leave y/n, then I'll leave. So stop tearing each other apart, I'm sorry I bugged you so much" the black haired boy sighed and as he turned away y/n swore she saw a tear roll down his cheek.

She watched them walk away in silence, she wanted to apologize but her words were clogged in her throat and refused to come out. She felt stuck watching him fade away in the distance, why did she say all those things to him. Apologize. Apologize. Apologize. APOLOGIZE.

After he was out of her sight she slowly trudged over to meet bore.


The car was silent as bakugo drove his friend back home, despite his hard to get attitude kirishima was his best friend and he wouldn't allow him to be hurt by some bitchy girl.

"What am I doing wrong" kirishima whispered his voice breaking.

Bakugo looked over at him as he desperately wiped his tears, he hiccuped as he cried. The blonde clenched his teeth suppressing his anger, his friend was really hurt over what y/n had said to him.

"It's not you in the wrong, she's the one who's shitty" Bakugo growled and reluctantly put his hand on his friends back.

"N-No it's me, she's hurt because of me. She's going through so much and I keep making it worse for her" he sniffled.

"What the fuck are you saying, you hurt her? That bitch is a perfect little snowflake, has rich parents, and a bunch of friends what could she possibly be going through" Bakugo barked.

"Stop talking about her like that! Her last boyfriend was murdered, her parents don't even live with her, she has to take care of her brother on her own. She feels alone and now I'm added on to her list of problems!" he yelled silencing his friend.

"I didn't know. But that isn't an excuse for her yelling at you like that dumbass everyone has their own damn problems" he sighed.

"What are we doing right now.." kirishima mumbled.

"I'm takin you home?"

"We have to back bakugo!" He yelled, startling the blonde.

"Are you crazy, we're already half way there. I'm not taking you back there just so she can push you away again and I have to come get you"

"Please bakugo, I won't ask you to come get me just drive me back and I won't bother you for the rest of the night I promise" kirishima begged, and without a word the blonde sighed and made a u-turn.

"I'm sorry y/n, but I can't let you be there on your own"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2020 ⏰

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