5. Backstories and hair dye

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There sat the two teenagers, in the h/c girls bedroom in silence, sitting on her bed. She didn't know what part of her decided it would be a good idea to let kirishima into her home but she did. Kirishima on the other hand had been silent from shock that he even asked to stay over, that alone had certain implications that he didn't think she'd just ignore and agree to letting him stay.

"Y/n, I know that I always tell you how I want to be with you. But, Im your friend first. And I've been your friend for a while, so I just wanted to know what's been bothering you lately"

The taboo topic was suddenly brought up and the girl slowly turned to him. He was right, they were friends. But she had forgotten about all that since he started professing his love for her, she started looking at him more as her admirer. She sighed, maybe if she told him he'd understand better. Plus she knew he was trustworthy and wouldn't tell anyone, so she might as well.

"Alright, only one other person besides you knows what I'm about to say and that's mina. So you're not allowed to speak about this to anyone other than me and her, what I say doesn't leave this room other than that understand?" She sternly said, and he nodded.

She took a deep breath...ready to spill her guts out.


Backstories and hair dye

"Around three years ago I had started dating my boyfriend yuuki, he was kind, and smart, and handsome, and strong, I was in love with him. And suddenly he was taken from me, stabbed in some obscure alley. I don't know who did it or why, considering how good he was to everyone. But after that day I vowed to myself that I'd never replace him. He really was the love of my life..."

The air was thick, and the red head sat still next to her thinking over what she just said.

"So that's why...I'm so sorry" he whispered and looked over at her. Her fists were clenched tightly and tears fell down her cheeks. He put his hand on her shoulder and tried to pull her into a hug but she pushed him back lightly indicating that she didn't want one.

"There's no reason for you to be sorry, I just felt like you should know. It wasn't easy going out with you today, because I had fun. And at some point I forgot about yuuki...for the first time"

"I don't want to force you into anything y/n, but it's okay to move on.."

"okay! I don't want to talk about this anymore, that's all I wanted to say" she sighed and wiped her face.

"Thanks for trusting me"

Despite it being a tough situation for him, since she never wanted to be in another relationship. Right now he just wanted to be there for her.

"Can I ask you a question actually?" She sighed.

"Uh sure!"

"Is that really how your hair looks?"

His smile dropped and she frowned when she noticed his change of demeanor. She thought it must be something sensitive.

"Well, I was bullied in middle school. I was weak and I got beaten up a lot, even when I tried to stand up for others. But my idol red riot wasn't, you know the martial artist? I wanted to be just like him. So when I entered high school I dyed my hair and styled it differently, I took on a whole new persona. Because I hated who I was"

"I want to see your real hair!" She blurted out, and he snapped his head in her direction.

"We can just...dye it back. I just want to see what you hated so much"

"I- I guess we can"

The duo had walked all the way to the convenience store for some red and black dye, they got weird looks from the store owner considering it was practically midnight. They ignored it and walked back to her house, she waited on her bed while he dyed and styled his hair back. But behind the locked door of the bathroom kirishima was trying to stay calm, he was embarrassed of his natural hair and now he'd be letting the girl he likes see the part of him he hates the most. But, when she said she wanted something he wanted to deliver. He took a deep breath and walked out of bathroom, she stared at him as he stood in front of her with his head slightly lowered in embarrassment.

"Wow. You look so...different"

"I know. I look pretty bad right?" He laughed awkwardly, but then felt her hand reach up and run through his hair.

"Of course not dummy, I like your natural hair" she smiled.

"..thanks y/n"

"It's so soft~ I never knew your hair was so soft considering it always looks like a pineapple top"

"Hey! I thought it looked cool" he pouted and she laughed.

"Sure but, I think I like the real kirishima better"


Sometime while they were talking y/n laid down and fell asleep, kirishima was supposed to be sleeping on the couch downstairs but instead laid down on her carpet admiring her serene expression. He got up from the carpet and walked around her room, looking at her posters, and pictures. Her overflowing collection of manga, and surprising amount of plushies. But there was one thing that really caught his attention, there was a small picture frame behind the other accessories on her desk, he shuffled past them and grabbed the frame. It was a picture of her and a boy with her black hair and green eyes, they both wore middle school uniforms and were smiling wide. He guessed it was yuuki.


He jumped thinking that he'd been caught looking through her stuff but relaxed when he realized she was only talking in her sleep. He quietly walked over to her, while she shuffled uncomfortably in her bed.

"Yuuki" she whimpered and tears fell down her cheeks.

Kirishima frowned thinking about how many nights she probably cried in her sleep, he wiped her tears with his thumb.

"I'm here.." kirishima whispered and held her hand softly.

She stopped shuffling around and relaxed, her breathing went back to normal and she hummed in comfort.

"I'll always be here"

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