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Your POV:

The only downside to being with Leo seemed to be that I couldn't get enough of him anymore.

When other people were around, which I only now started to notice was pretty much all the time, we were just best friends. Always making each other, and the people around us, laugh. We were still like that when we were alone, but with the added bonus of super awesome make-out sessions every now and then.

In the three days after our kiss, I realized just how sparse the moments where Leo and I were truly alone really were. Now this being a camp, I never really thought about how difficult it was to be alone, a lot of the time I had just assumed I was. But now, while sneaking kisses with Leo, I noticed just how wrong that assumption was.

Nyssa and the other cabin nine kids were constantly in bunker 9, had it always been like that? All those times Leo and I had just been joking around while he worked on the Argo II, with an occasional helping hand from me, had they always been there? Had I really been that oblivious to the others their presence? Seems like it.

The same goes for pretty much every other place, here at camp, where I previously thought I could be alone.

Needless to say, Leo and I didn't get much alone time. So except for the occasional sneaky kiss or touch, we didn't get to go much further.

That was until that Thursday evening, where I sat on Leo's workbench, talking to him while he worked on a prototype for the flight stabilizers. This was nothing new, so the others didn't pay us much attention. But I was painfully aware of their presence.

As it got later in the evening, more and more kids left, until it was just Jake, Leo and me. When it got close to ten PM Jake told us goodnight and left, finally giving Leo and me a moment alone. Leo didn't notice at first, of course not, he never noticed anything when he was focused. There could be a minotaur breathing down his neck and he wouldn't even look up.

We were still joking around while he worked so I didn't do anything either. But seeing him focused like that, man, what that will do to a girl. After some time I started absentmindedly playing with his dark brown curls, again, something that wasn't an unusual thing for me to do. But this time it seemed to have a different effect on Leo as I noticed his breathing speeding up a bit.

I gave a small tug on his hair, which I knew he loved from our previous kisses, his breath hitched making me chuckle.

"Y/N," he started, trying to sound strict, but it came out more like a whimper. He cleared his throat and tried again, this time his voice sounding normal again: "Y/N, I really need to finish this prototype today so I can make a definite version tomorrow."

I decided I quite liked teasing him like this. "Uhuh, yeah that sounds important, you should definitely continue," I said it in the most innocent voice I could muster while giving another small tug on a fist full of his hair, but this time he wasn't able to suppress his groan.

"You see, you're making that quite hard for me to do right now," he said again, but this time way less convincingly as he put his prototype down. I smirked, getting him to unravel so much under a simple touch of mine was really turning me on.

I bit my lip and smiled sweetly at him, "Is that the only thing that I'm making hard right now?" Paired with another tug that's what finally made him crack as he stood up, capturing my lips with his.

This kiss was different than any of our previous ones though. The one at the canoe lake had been slow and gentle, this one was much harsher. As I kissed back, still sitting on the workbench, Leo moved to stand in between my legs. One of his hands tangled in my hair while the other squeezed my hip.

He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance, which I denied him while smiling into the kiss. I could really get used to this whole teasing him thing. But Leo was having none of it, this time he pulled at my hair. I gasped and he forced his tongue into my mouth.

My arms were wrapped around his neck and my legs soon followed by wrapping around his waist. I felt something poking my thigh, at first I thought it was his toolbelt but soon I realized it was something else.

I pulled away for a second and smiled at him, "Well someone's excited," Leo's cheeks flushed and he looked down, until he remembered he was being the dominant one here and pressed more into me. "And it's all for you princess."

Suddenly that nickname didn't seem to bother me anymore, on the contrary, it made me feel weak and if I hadn't been sitting down already I'm sure my legs would have given in. I enveloped him into another kiss, matching his hunger this time.

This kiss was cut short by him pulling away this time, making me let out an involuntarily whimper, which soon turned into a surprised yelp when I felt his lips on my neck. Now this was new.

"I swear to Zeus, Valdez, if you leave a fucking hickey on me I'm gonna kick your ass," I managed to keep my voice from shaking while I said it, though it wasn't that easy.

In response he just bit down even harder, making me yelp again, but smoothing it over with his tongue right after. The next time he sucked down felt different, way more pleasurable, making a small moan escape my lips. Leo took this as encouragement to keep going on that same spot, and boy was it working.

My breathing quickened and soon I was pretty much panting as small sounds threatened to escape my throat, but I stopped them before they could reach my lips. My heartrate became erratic as Leo continued his attack on my neck. I felt myself get more needy for his touch by the moment, rolling my hips without even thinking about it.

He moaned against my neck, the vibrations only adding to my state of bliss. I pulled his hair, signaling him to let go of my neck, and lead his lips back to mine. The kiss left me breathless and I eventually broke away for some much-needed air.

Leo was grinning up at me, I was a bit taller than him now because I sat on the workbench, until his smile faltered as his eyes slid over to my neck. A guilty expression spread across his face and he looked like he was mentally writing his testament.

"Leo," I said calmly, "do I have a hickey?" He didn't even have to answer as his sheepish look already gave it away. "You absolute dickhead," I laughed while kissing him again, the kiss being a lot more playful this time.

"I'm so gonna get you back for that," I laughed in between kisses.

"Sure Princess, can't wait."

Our make-out died down into a series of playful pecks. We sat there giving each other playful kisses until we heard the conch horn blow, signaling our 11 PM curfew.

Reluctantly we let go of each other and I hopped of the table, now being an inch shorter than Leo again. He dug around in his toolbelt for a second before presenting me with a tiny piece of ambrosia. "Here, that way your hickey should be gone by tomorrow morning."

I opened my mouth and he fed me the small square, his cheeks flushing again at the small gesture of intimacy. As if we didn't just spend the last hour making out.

We made our way back to camp and I managed to get to bed without anyone noticing the big bruise on my neck. It was already starting to fade, thank the Gods for ambrosia, but I wouldn't forget my plans for revenge that easily. I'm so gonna get him back for that.

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