Child' Play

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Request: can you do a cute one of just a couple? nothing too serious or explicit?

Summary: Who said adults can’t have a little fun?

Type: Child’s Play (one shot)


Holding onto the railing of the stairs, I winced as I carefully pulled all my weight to my toes so that I’d avoid stepping on the stair that always creaked.


Once on the platform I paused after taking a step in the direction of our bedroom. Instead of starting that way, I turned towards the guest rooms.

I could hear his voice getting further away with each rushed, yet carefully quiet step I took around the bed. It wasn’t until I stopped to decide on the bed or the closet that I heard his counting speed up.


The asshole knew he was cheating which is why his laugh floated it’s way towards me making me roll my eyes.

Carefully shutting the door behind me I moved to the back of the closet, trying my best not to make a sound but that was nearly impossible as I backed into the rack of unused hangers. Turning to quickly silence them I stopped to listen for any sign of movement.

I could hear the weak middle step creak under his weight which meant he was already heading up here. He knew I wouldn’t start on the bottom floor where he was.

My chest was still pumping but catching my breath wasn’t easy, being as I was trying to stay quiet enough not to be heard.

His t-shirt was sticking to my skin, my hair was loose thanks to the scrunchie I’d lost earlier that night, it also didn’t help that the closet was a tight space. Besides sweating bullets, my legs were still sore from the last round the bruises on my hips stinging when I walked too fast.

I heard him shuffle past the room door before a door closed in the distance.

Waiting a couple of seconds I silently twisted the knob, stepping out into the bedroom.  Quickly crossing it, I peeked into the hallway. It was empty, here was my chance so I take it.

Tiptoeing my way out the door, I make sure to carefully not move it before glancing in the opposite direction. I ran as silently as I could down the hall towards the steps, screaming as his arm tightened around my waist lifting me off the ground.

Carrying me a few steps forward, he let out an irritated growl as I managed to slip from his grip. With a sharp tug he wheeled me around slamming me into the wall. I gasped at the pain that shot through my back, but it got lost in his mouth as he shoved his tongue against mine.

The plan was to get away, but I found myself giving in as his hands found my waist, slipping beneath the fabric of his t-shirt.  He knew exactly how to get me, which is why I found myself shoving against his chest as his smile was felt against my lips.

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