Chapter. 1

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"sorry girls, I missed the bus and... ", Applejack manage to say while on the phone with her friends, breathing heavily as she bolts towards the cafe her and her friends plan to meet at.

With sweat dripping of her chin, she finally made it. Applejack wipes her sweat while entering the front door, not looking where she's going, she did not notice the 'Watch Your Step' caution tape plastered on the floor and THUMPP!!... she fell.

Applejack groans as she lifts herself off the ground, coming face to face with an outstretch hand, "Miss, are you okay?", the figure says with her raspy voice. Applejack lifts her head up to get a glance...

Rainbow hair, soft-looking cyan skin and magenta eyes. The waitress coughs slightly, waiting patiently for the cowgirl to respond. Applejack immediately looks away as her hand reaches out to hers. "um... T-thank you.", Applejack said, stuttering on her words. The waitress smiles and walks away.

Applejack walks to the table where her friends are seated at, "sorry girls, I-" "-was having a staring contest with the waitress over there?", Sunset smirks, interrupting Applejack.

"no..." Applejack said, knowing that she can never lie.

"quit it Sunset, you were once a waitress here too when I met you.", Twilight mentions while looking at sunset.
"wait, you know her?",Applejack asks curiously, a little bit too eager if I do say so myself. Sunset nodded before shouting, "Hey! Rainbow Dash, get over here will ya.", to her rainbowed-hair friend across a few tables. "what's up Sunset, ready to order?", Rainbow Dash said as she took out her notepad and pen. "Not quite yet, you see, my friend Applejack wants to thank you again for helping her out just now.",Sunset explains while rainbow dash turns to look at the only other person familiar at the table. "Oh, it's no biggie. I'm glad you are okay Applejack.", Rainbow smiles, "well, since you guys are not ready to order, I'll go clear those tables first."

As Rainbow Dash walks away, Applejack let out a soft sigh, changing her focus to the menu and hoping that the rest will do the same. "Order anything you girls want, my treat." Rarity said, smiling while the others cheered.

[after the meal]

"thanks for the meal Rarity!" "Yeah, the food is really amazing!" "Let's come back next week!", the girls exclaims as they exits the cafe. "you're welcome dears, see you girls in school tomorrow, ta-ta!",Rarity said as she set foot into her limousine. The girls wave goodbye to Rarity then to each other as the night arrives.

I'm so sorry for my terrible English, do tell me if you find any mistakes in the comment section.
Thanks 💛

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