Chapter. 5

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Suddenly, the locked doors became unlocked. In the dark, a march of 4 horsemen came in, with bags most probably to kidnap the girls, to keep them as hostages till someone comes to their aid.

The two girls were afraid, every step the horsemen took sent chills down their spines. As they got closer, applejack stepped forward, having her hands spreaded out to protect rainbow, acting like a Knight in shining armor if you ask me😏. Before applejack could ask rainbow to get the hell out of here to send help, a familiar high pitch tone spoke.

"wtf is going on here?"

A turn of the switch and the lights came on.

As unexpected and less trilling as it may be, it was the girls that's were holding the bags, full of their clothes apparently. Applejack and rainbow dash stared at the girls, while the girls stared back, all in silence. What happened was that when rainbow dash was hiding behind applejack, she peed her pants......

I'm just kidding HAHAA!

She was holding applejack's waist tightly. Once she realised the reason why they were staring, she immediately took her hands off, standing back up with her hands in the air.

"we thought yall were kidnappers or something haha." Applejack said embarrassed and relieved all at the same time.

A conversation took place about what just happened and laughter filled the room. Unfortunately, rainbow could not hear, she was too deep in her thoughts that it felt like she was all alone.

_____________ Flashback_______________

"Dad, please stop, I-I'm sorry for not coming back earlier to cook your dinner, I h-had a school project and-"

"SHUT UP! STOP WITH YOUR EXCUSES, AND DON'T CALL ME YOUR DAD, YOU ARE NO DAUGHTER TO ME! A DISGRACE IS WHAT YOU ARE!" Rainbow's dad shouted as he took his cane and harm rainbow. Soon later, rainbow dash was covered with cuts and bruises, with tears dripping off her chin as blood slowly ooz down her arm.

In such a horrible state, an abnormal sweet scent filled her nostrils, but later shook it off as more pain overwhelm her.

With little vision she had from her cloudy eyes, she could see her mom's car pulling up, unexpectedly early. The car's noise could not beat the echo of her dad's cane on her skin.
"YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT, YOU MUST BE WISHING YOU WERE NEVER BORN RIGHT? PROBABLY BECAUSE YOU REALISED YOU DON'T DESERVE TO EVEN LIVE!" her dad claimed with the same murderous look he had on the last couple of times.

Before he could land another hit, the door swung open.


" Rainbow... "

" Rainbow? "

" Rainbow!! "

Rainbow dash's eyes immediately opened wide with sweat gliding across her skin. When her eyes adjust  to the surrounding's brightness, she seems to be in a room with twilight sitting right there.

Twilight: "Rainbow, you're awake! Are you feeling better?"

"ya, wtf happened?" Rainbow dash asked before touching her cheek, realising that her tears coated a layer on her cheeks and now her fingertips.

Twilight: "you were spacing out before fainting. Applejack carried you to her room for you to rest. Now it's my turn to ask you, wtf happened?"

"So that's where the sweet scent came from earlier." Rainbow thought.

"I don't know...... While hiding behind applejack, it jogged some kind of memory, a nightmare of my...... Mom's husband." Rainbow replied as she wrapped her hands around her knees.

Suddenly, someone came rushing into the room. "Sugarcube, you're finally awake!"

Rainbow smiled, "ya I guess I am."


What's up everyone!!! Sorry for not posting earlier. I felt unmotivated and had other projects to do. My exams has ended and more chapters will be out (soon). Enjoy this chapter but don't mind the names not having their first capital letter ya.

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