Love me fast and love me hard | W2S

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This one is kinda of Harry x an original character but like you don't really see their relationship. It's more about Harry and the Sidemens reactions to the relationship.

Ship: Harry x Oc

Summary: Harry probably should have mentioned to the other sidemen at some point that he was bi... and that he had a boyfriend but it just never came up!

Setting: Sidemen house.

Warnings: Swearing, cheating and mentions of drugs.

It wasn't Harry's fault if you really think about it.

Sure maybe he should have mentioned that he had a boyfriend.

And maybe he should have told them he was bi.

But in his defence they had never asked him about a boyfriend. So how was he supposed to know that they wanted to know.

It's not like he could read minds.

They had asked about girlfriends and he thought about telling them right then and there, he didn't, it's the thought that counts right?

Plus it wasn't as if he was lying when he said he didn't have a girlfriend. He didn't!

That didn't mean he was single though.

They had just finished wrapping up another Sidemen Sunday video, it had been a long day of filming and they were all exhausted.

Harry was pretty certain that at least three of them would be asleep before midnight.

"I could honestly sleep for the next week." Vik complained as he flopped onto the sofa, he wiggled around for a moment to get comfortable.

"I think Jide might have already beaten you to it." Simon laughed as he gestured to where Jj was sat on the end of the sofa.

He was sat up right which could not have been comfortable, Harry thought. If he stayed like that any longer, let alone the whole night, he'd definitely have a sore neck in the morning.

No one really wanted to deal with him complaining the next day.

"Oi fuck off fam, I ain't even sleeping." He muttered, as if he wasn't minus two minutes away from falling asleep.

"Are you sure about that?" Josh joked back as the rest laughed.

Harry was about to make some risky joke that would have probably made at least one of them laugh but his phone ringing cut him off before he had the chance.

"Who's phone is that?" Ethan asked after checking if it was his.

"Not mine." Vik replied.

Simon and Josh just showed their phones so everyone could see that they weren't ringing.

"Nope, not me." Tobi added.

"Me either." Jj mutter after reluctantly opening his eyes to check.

Everyone turned to Harry as he pulled his phone out of his pocket, he smiled brightly once he saw who was calling, he hoped no one had noticed the love sick expression on his face.

They did.

He wasn't particularly hiding his relationship, he just wasn't actively telling people.

Deep down he knew that at some point he had to tell the other Sidemen, they were never going to ask if he had a boyfriend considering they thought he was straight, so it was up to him to start that conversation.

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