Its a comfort thing | Ot7

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Ship: Simon x Harry x Josh x Jj x Vik x Tobi x Ethan

Summary: Simon loving being the tallest as it means he can leave kisses on the top of everyone's head when he walks past them. (As well as just them all being in a relationship).

Setting: Sidemen house 2 but they all live there. For context they all sleep in what was Jjs room but they all still have their separate rooms for filming and stuff.

Warnings: Mentions of sex but nothing graphic

Simon loved being the tallest Sidemen.

He was only just taller then some of them, if he's honest and that's fine, he's still taller and that's what matters.

He loved being able to lean over them when they were trying to reach something high up, so close that his chest pressed into their back and he could almost feel the heat radiating off their faces, and pass it to them.

He loved the fact that most of the time they had to stand in the tips of their toes to kiss him or he had to bend down.

He loved that he was almost always the big spoon and he got to wrap his arms around them and hold them oh so close to him.

He loved it all, but most of all he loved being able to leave kissed on the top of their head in passing, when they were cuddling, when they were stood next to him, when they were busy and he'd hug them from behind leaving a kiss on their shoulder then the top of their head when he let go.

It was like he was addicted, it was his favourite way to show affection and the others love it too.

"This is gunna sound weird." Harry began as the others rolled their eyes, expecting some obscure fact that only Harry would know (and they all secretly loved to hear but it was too early in the morning for it).

They were all sat around the kitchen island eating various different breakfasts except Simon who was in the shower.

They had been eating mostly in silence listening to some playlist that Josh had made and said remind him of them before Harry had spoken.

"What will?" Tobi asked, he knows that he'd probably regret it when Harry would ramble on about a fact that made him not want to eat anymore but then Harry was blushing and hiding his face in his hands.

It was adorable and, really, he doesn't regret asking anymore (especially after Vik sneakily takes a picture and promises to send it to him later).

"You can't judge me, okay?" Harry asks as he peaks through one of his fingers to check that everyone is nodding.

"What happens in the kitchen, stays in the kitchen." Jj says with a wink that makes Harry blush even more. Vik snaps another picture.

"I don't want to know what that means." Ethan laughs, and it makes the others laugh too.

"Okay but seriously boggo what is it?" Tobi asks again, and hopes he get to find out what makes Harry blush so much, hopes it's something he can use against him in the future.

His face is back in his hands, blushing furiously and he mumbles something that none of them hear.

"You're going to have to say it louder then that Haz." Josh chuckles.

"I really love how fucking tall Simon is." He repeats louder, hands still covering his face. "Like he's so tall."

"When he walks past and kisses the top of my head I could get on my knees, no questions asked." He continued, face redder then it had ever been. "I don't know why."

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