Meant to be | Kshaw

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Ship: Jj x Harry

Summary: How all the Sidemen realised Kshaw were in love.

Setting: N/A

Warnings: Mentions of drug use and injuries. It's a long one boys (5901 words).

It was little things at first, that made Simon question whether or not he was going crazy or if there was actually something going on.

Hugs that lasted a little too long, hands lingering on backs as they squeezed past each other in tight spaces, phone calls that went on late into the night, despite Harry making it so blatantly obvious any other day of the week that he hated phone calls, to the point where Simon doubted that it was even him on the other end.

But he could hear Jj's laugh through the thin walls of their apartments and the way he would yell Harry's name as he did so, like it wasn't four in the morning.

Like they didn't all have to get up in a few hours for a Sidemen shoot, which Jj would wear a tired smile on his face for and when Harry would arrive, on time, his smile would be the same.

Simon found he didn't really have it in him to ruin whatever was making them so happy recently, by complaining about his lack of sleep so he ordered a pair of noise cancelling headphone and let them be.

He kept an eye on them though, took note of every longing look and inside joke that they didn't have the day before because he had know Jj a long time.

Long enough to know the signs of when he liked someone, and Simon knew all too well what this could mean.

Couldn't bare to see Harry go through it, if it was what he thought it was, didn't want Harry to get actual feelings for Jj when it was more than plausible that Jj just wanted a quick fuck and would pretend it never happened afterward.

Harry deserves better then that, and it's not like Jj will do it on purpose, hurting Harry and all that, probably won't even know he's done it and Harry sure as hell won't tell him, it's doomed before it's even begun.

So yeah, Simon keeps an eye on the staring and the touching and the not-so-subtle flirting and makes sure that, that's all it is.

Almost talks to Jj about it, to tell him that this is a line he can't cross, that even though he's always been able to get what he wants and who he wants that this was different, that this time he had to back off and leave it alone.

But he doesn't, because even after all these years, Jj still manages to surprise him.

Harry was spending the night, asked if he could sleep on the sofa and didn't give a reason why. He was upset so neither Simon or Jj asked, gave him a spare blanket and pillow instead told him he could stay as long as he liked.

Simon saw the look on Jj's face, worry and concern and a little of something else that, for the life of him, Simon could not put his finger on.

It bothered him, that something else. He couldn't stop thinking about it and whatever it meant, because for the first time ever, Simon didn't know what Jj was thinking.

He couldn't stop thinking about it when he went off to bed instead of back to editing to allow Harry some peace, he looked over his shoulder towards the living room to check one last time everything was okay to find Jj stood hesitantly in the door way.

His fingers tapping some beat that probably wasn't a song yet against his thigh like he used to when they were younger, before KSI and the Sidemen and everything that came along with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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