Even in the dark I will find you | WroetoZerk

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Ship: Josh x Harry

Summary: Harry has always been afraid of thunder and the dark ever since he was little. Josh normally helps him whenever theirs a thunderstorm in the comfort of their apartment however this time they are with the rest of the boys in Jjs and Simons apartment. Chaos and soft times occur.

Setting: Jj and Simons apartment.

Warnings: Panic attacks are mentioned.

Notes for me: Delete before upload. Harry goes non verbal. Normally Josh gives him noise cancelling headphones turns on fairy lights n they cuddle while wrapped in blankets. Simon is trying to help. Jj is freaking out and the rest are just trying their best.

For as long as he can remember Harry has been afraid of the dark and thunderstorms.

He never knew where the fear had come from, it was just always there.

His therapist, that he didn't want to go to but Josh had suggested it to him after he had witnessed him have a panic attack not long after the Sidemen had formed, suggested that his fear probably came from when he got lost in the woods during a bad thunderstorm when he was five.

If he's being honest Harry doesn't remember it that well but his mum had told him stories about how he was gone all night and that she was worried sick.

According to his therapist he had repressed the memories because they were so traumatic but his subconscious remembers it which is where the fear comes from.

Harry thinks it's bullshit but keep going to the appointments once every two weeks anyway, they help him sort out his thoughts and it helped him come to terms with his feelings for Josh so maybe his therapist wasn't so bad.

He never told anyone about it. About how thunderstorms and the dark scared the shit out of him. How they made him curl up in the corner of his bed and cry until it was over.

Of course Josh found out when they moved in together.

It was little things, like how Harry always left the bathroom light on with the door slightly ajar and how he would always ask Josh to be the one to turn the rest of the lights of while Harry was already in their room.

Josh had asked him about in the early days of them living together, even though he was pretty sure he knew what it was. He listened while Harry explain his fear as he hid his face in Joshs chest to hide his embarrassment.

And if when Harry came home the next day there were fairy lights round the headboard of their bed and around the top of the walls in all of the rooms they never spoke about it.

Although Harry made sure to show Josh his appreciation later when it was just the fairy lights lighting the room.

Josh found out about the fear of thunderstorms a lot later.

The storm had come out of nowhere and the power had gone out, Josh went to find Harry instantly.

He had looked everywhere for the younger man with only his phone torch. It had taken him a while but he found him curled up on their bed sobbing his heart out.

Trying to find out what was wrong was hard since Harry wouldn't talk. When lighting struck again and the sound of thunder filled the apartment Harry cried harder and Josh understood.

"I'll be right back baby." Josh had mumbled, pressing a kiss to Harry's forehead. He turned on the battery powered fairy lights before going to his office to collect his noise cancelling headphone and every blanket in the apartment he could find.

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