July- intro

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This is meant to be a roller coaster and each chapter is super long so bear with me

Comments throughout are always appreciated

*just and INTRO not included in the 5 parts*

"They always say when their famous with money they'd be satisfied. They think money deciphers your dilemmas. I thought that too. I grew up without money without a care in the world, just a teen in a world where the idea of staying alive was scary than dying." Cheryl proclaimed as she played with the loose strings of her jeans as she talked with the reporter.

"You don't believe that anymore?" The reporter question with a slightly nervous smile. Cheryl chuckled and looked up at him.

"I've had the fame, I've had the money, you're nothing without love" Cheryl bit her lip before the director of the interview shut off the camera. Before Cheryl's manager could get a world in she wiped the tears away and took off to the closest bathroom.

Hitting the door shut Cheryl lets out a gasp of air as she latches the door close. Her back mashed against the door as faint sobs and shouts leave her mouth. sliding down the wooden door clenching her arms around her knees screaming into them. begging for the aching in her heart to numb out.

*6 years ago*

Cheryl was awoken with a loud bang in the kitchen she cursed under her breath and tossed the covers off of her hurrying through the small house straight to the kitchen.

She looked at the broken glass everywhere and her grandmother in straight shock. "Nana rose what're you doing." Cheryl was terrified that the elderly lady would've accidentally hurt herself.

"I just wanted to make my own drink" the old lady pouted. Cheryl bit her lip anxiously running her slender fingers through her hair.

"Here," Cheryl sighed grabbing the dustpan and broom sweeping up all the glass pieces and setting them aside. Cheryl walked over to the small cabinets and grabbed her nana a glass.

"You can pour the ice and the drink. Just let me get the glass okay?" Cheryl said her heart rate calming down from before.

Nana smiled and nodded pouring herself some ice and tea. Cheryl let out a yawn.

"Did mom already leave for her job at the diner?" Cheryl asked the older woman.

"Yes she left early in the morning I think she's taking another shift." Nana rose hummed as she made her way to her chair and started to watch her show again.

Cheryl let her back hit the counter. Her mom always worked double shifts, a third one was insane. Cheryl was 15 she shouldn't have to worry about taking care of her grandmother, then again Cheryl would give anything for her mother to be back at home with her mother and herself.

" one day we'll make it big, we'll be rich and everything bad will go away" Cheryl recalled her mother's words as she stared at the raggedy refrigerator.

"Hey, Nana?" Cheryl called out to her grandmother who hummed in response.

"Do we need milk and eggs?" Cheryl asked.

"I believe so, don't worry dear your mother can grab them," Nana persuaded as her shivering fingers tried their best to knit.

"No she doesn't get off till 10 pm I'll grab them I'll be as quick as possible okay?" Cheryl encouraged as she disappeared into her crumby room.

She saw the guitar in the corner with numerous posters and an unmade bed. Cheryl let our yet another yawn before pulling a pair of jeans and a zip-up jacket.

July ( short choni au) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt