July - 3

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Thank you so much for forty comments and 32 VOTES last chapter. I didn't expect this to do so good I'm so happy :))

Cheryl yawn when voices could be heard in low murmurs. She rolled over her eyes opening realizing she was in Toni's bed alone. She bit her lip and exited the bed seeing Veronica and the rest of grls getting ranted to by Kevin and Ryan.

She furrowed her eyes and sat down beside Veronica Toni immediately looked up at the redheaded girl.

"What's going on guys?" Cheryl yawned Betty giving her a sympathetic smile.

"Veronica care to explain." Kevin scolded looking at Veronica his arms crossed over his chest.

"Last night we came in and saw you and Toni cuddling." Veronica sighed looking at the ground.  Josie saw her discomfort and immediately jumped in.

"We were turning off the tv and grabbing the popcorn for you guys, we were just trying to help." Josie said squeezing Veronica's hand causing He Latina give her a thankful smile.

"When we went to leave I took a picture yanno because I thought it was cute." Veronica but her lip nervously looking at Kevin who still had that stern expression on his face.

"Go on," Cheryl said with mixed emotions scared and nervous about the Latinas next sentence.

"I accidentally posted it to my story. And when I noticed that my phone started blowing up I immediately checked snap and realized I posted it. By the time I got to it it already had 12 thousand views but I deleted I did." Veronica tried to reason not caring about Kevin's opinion but Cheryl's.

"Okay but me and Veronica post pictures of sitting on each other's laps, Betty kissed my cheek in multiple interviews. And if I recall Josie is known for smacking al of are bums. Why is Kevin so pressed?" Cheryl hummed looking at the 25 year old boy and Ryan who scoffed at the same time.

"Because the fans know that's just friends messing around." Ryan said with his clipboard at his side as per usual.

"Choni is the second most trending hashtag on twitter." Ryan said grabbing his iPad and handing it to Cheryl and one to Toni.

"So? They ship us what's so bad about that?" Toni didn't understand and honestly neither did Cheryl.

"Y'all two can't publicly date." Kevin motioned between the two bth their faces going red. Josie knew it wasn't the right time but she held back her own smile at the two.

"We aren't dating." The two said simultaneously.

"Okay but the fans think you are. That can't happen. Imagine if the world knew we would go down in numbers tragically." Kevin said truthfully. He frowned at the realization.

"I know it's hard and as a gay man it's hard to ask young lovers to hide-" Kevin was about to continue when Cheryl interrupted.

"We aren't lovers." Cheryl said avoiding Toni's strong gaze on her.

"Well still I know it sucks, I'm sorry girls just try," he paused not knowing exactly how to advise the girls.

"Try not to be touchy in public." Ryan added quickly.and with that Kevin got a call and he signaled Ryan to follow him to the back of the bus.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean-" Veronica immediately started rambling but Cheryl cut her off before she could start further apologizing.

"Ronnie," Cheryl said softly looking at her bestfriend lovingly. The girl was the closest thing to a family she's ever experienced.

"It's okay." Cheryl sighed ruffling her friends hair before looking to Toni who seemed in deep thought.

"We have a mic check in 20 minutes we should get ready" Betty broke the awkward silence speaking up.
*1 year after the picture*

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