July - 1

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(Cheryl's mother isn't Penelope in this just so you got the right image she's above)

Cheryl sighed as her mom parked the car outside of California sun studios. She looked at her mothers diner costume and bit her lip.

"Do you want me to go with you? I'll call in sick for work?" Her mom said patting the girls knee.

"No no, I'll be fine you go to work," she said grabbing her backpack and exiting the car.  Before she closed the door she smiled at her mom and said "stay safe." The woman in the car nodded before driving off.

She had got a call from Kevin four days later saying she got the spot. It was weird because she hadn't even gotten a text from them till that day. She thought she didn't get in and went back to living her normal life.

Kevin had told her to meet up at the California sun studios in two days so the band can meet officially. And so Cheryl showed up, in her old converses, ripped black jeans with a faded T-shirt the sleeves cut off. Her hair was wavy and cascading down her shoulders and back. Cheryl had various bracelets on her wrist and She had very light makeup on and a black backpack on her back.

Taking a deep breath she headed straight toward the huge building. Once she walked in a middle aged woman was at the front behind a desk.

"How May I assist you?" She asked softly. The woman had red hair like herself and was in a nice red blouse and pin stripe skirt.

"Oh uhm Kevin Keller he said to meet here he didn't really give directions." Cheryl said scratching the back of her neck.

"I've told that boy to stop sending teenagers in here confused," she shook her head and typed out something on her computer.

"He's on the sixth story dear," she offered a smile as Cheryl did and awkward finger gun thing before hurrying to the elevator she pressed the 6th floor and waited.

This building was the nicest place she had ever been. The elevator looked like something from a mansion. She furrowed her eyebrows when the elevator door opened at the second floor.

A young Latina was there eating out of a bag of lays chips. Cheryl couldn't help but smile at her. She had long raven hair and cute somewhat chubby cheeks. She wore a crop top with low waisted denim jeans showing over her fit and which was surprising do too her constant eating of the chips.

"Hi," the girl said with a mouth full of food as she entered the elevator about to press 6 but realized it had already been pressed.

She gasped and swallowed her food. "Wait Wait Wait," The girl shook her head.

"Currently waiting" Cheryl laughed nervously.

"Are you going to meet Kevin Keller?" The Latina asked excitedly.

"Well yes I am, are you?" She asked in return.

"YES!" She said thrilled for some odd reason she gripped both of Cheryl's shoulders.

"Did you get into July too?" The girl asked staring dead into Cheryl's eyes. Cheryl found the girl odd but she liked it.

"Yes I did I'm guessing by your death grip on me you did too" Cheryl concludes and that made the girl go crazy she started to squeal in happiness.

"I was so scared some weird squealing happy peppy girls were gonna be in the band." She said waving that off. Cheryl bit her lip holding back her laugh as the girl just described herself.

"I'm Veronica lodge" she put out her hand for herself to shake.

"Hi Veronica I'm Cheryl" cheryl introduces shaking her hand.

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