I: The Professor's

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On the 765th day with the professor, I began to feel an unfamiliar stir in Narnia. Change was coming.

Coincidentally, that was the same day of the arrival of the Pevensie siblings. The war that broke out in Europe not that long ago has made it unsafe for children to remain in the city, so like that here they are. I was in the library when they arrived, despite not being near the foyer, I could hear Mrs. Macready go on about her rules — rules that didn't really have to worry about for the most part, as long as I stayed out of her way she didn't give much care for what I did.

I figured since they would be staying here for quite some time that I should at the very least introduce myself to them. "—no disturbing of the professor." I heard Mrs.Macready finish as I made it to the top of the steps.

"Mrs. Macready, if I may interrupt. I would be more than happy to show them around and to their rooms. I'm sure you have plenty to do."

"Yes, I suppose that'll be helpful." As she walked away I looked towards the siblings, all four of them. Just by looking at them, I could tell that they were the change that Narnia needed, something that from the look of it they didn't know about yet. Giving them a smile I finally spoke, "sorry about her, she tends to be meticulously strict. I'm Gaia, it's nice to meet you all."

"Thank you for having us. I'm Susan." Who seemed to be the eldest of the girls said as she approached me and raised her hand for a shake.

The younger of the two girls then came up as well. "I'm Lucy"

The eldest of the boys then came up, "Hello, I'm Peter. This is our brother Edmund." He said with a kind smile and gestured to the grumpiest looking of the four of them.

"Hey! I can speak for myself" Edmund said. I gave a slight chuckle at their antics and could see that despite the sadness in their eyes, they were a very loving family.

"Well, come on then, I'm sure you're all very tired from your travels." As I led them to their rooms I continued to speak, " I do apologize, we were only able to get two rooms ready for you. We figured you would feel most comfortable if you were close together so this room" I opened the door to the room to our right, "as well as the one across the hall are all yours. As far as how you all decide to split the rooms is all up to you. I'll leave you all to get settled and rested. Before I go though, do any of you have any questions?"

"What's the WiFi password?" I chuckled at Edmunds' question, not at all surprised. The world here is much more technologically advanced than Narnia. His older siblings glared at him, probably thinking that he was quite rude about his approach.

"Sorry, Ed sometimes doesn't have much of a filter," Peter, who I now assume is probably the oldest of the four, spoke up.

"That's quite alright, he's very direct, I appreciate that." I said smiling at them. I entered one of the rooms and grabbed a sheet of paper to write down the code. "Here you go, though I must warn you since we are pretty far into the countryside our internet is not the greatest. Now, if that is all, I'll leave you to it. If you need anything my room is the last one down the hall. I'll also probably be the one to come up and retrieve you all for dinner in a few hours."


Over the next few days I helped them all get settled and showed them around. Mrs. Macready isn't one for children so she mostly made herself scarce and spent her time with chores — but what else was new. The Professor had a big conference coming up so he mostly spent time in his study. Since the arrival of Pevensie's I hadn't felt any more major changes in Narnia, which saddened me a bit.

There was a storm last night so our electricity was down momentarily. It continued to rain throughout the day, so for the most part we were stuck inside. With nothing to do the siblings and I spent our day in the library bored. "Gas-tro-vas-cu-lar...Come on, Peter Gas-tro-vas-cu-lar." I could hear them playing some sort of word game, as looked out the window thinking about Narnia.

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