II: To Aslan

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I made my way through the woods as quickly and as quietly as possible. The moment I stepped through the wardrobe I knew the White Witch could probably sense the shift in power in Narnia, though it might not have a physical form, power does have an aura.

I wasn't quite sure where I was going, the snow that covered Narnia made everything seem so foreign. Somehow though, I knew I was going the right way. I could only assume it was the deep magic's doing.


After two grueling days of travel, I finally made it to what seemed to be an army camp. By the looks of the red and gold of the tents and flags, it was Aslan's camp. I had found them.

Throughout the course of my travels, I was also able to get a better read on Narnia. I guess me finally being back has allowed my powers to truly settle. I now know of the prophecy regarding the two sons of Adam and the two daughters of Eve, and how they will bring an end to the endless winter and sit on the four thrones of Cair Paravel. I was determined to do everything I could to help them.

Walking closer to the camp, I saw many fauns, centaurs, griffons, among other Narnians. I also noticed the lack of others, which saddened me to know that many have sided with the White Witch in my absence. Entering the camp, I heard a horn being blown, and as soon as the Narnians saw me they kneeled.

It warmed my heart to know that they still remember me.

Making my way to the biggest tent where Oreius stood, I greeted my old combat trainer with a hug. "It's good to see you again, old friend. It's been a while hasn't it. I'm sorry for that"

"Nonsense your Majesty, what matters is that you're well, and that you are here now."

"Thank you, may I see Aslan please."

"Of course right this way."

Before making my way into the tent I addressed the rest of my people, "please rise." Looking out across the camp, I waited for everyone to stand up. "I'm not sure how long I have been gone in terms of time, all I know is that it has been too long. For that I apologize. I left you when you needed me most. I'm afraid I can't ever truly make that up to you, but I am here now and soon so shall the sons of Adam and the daughters of Eve. We will get our home back, at the very least I will die trying." With that I made my way into Aslan's tent.

"Your parents would have been very proud. Despite the time you've been away, you have just proven to everyone that you are a leader they can follow." Was the first thing he said to me.

"Thank you, but I'm not too sure that's true."

With a look of concern he asks, "You doubt yourself?"

I couldn't lie to him, so I spoke only what I felt to be true. "How can I not. I left them Aslan. However, though I may doubt myself I don't doubt what the deep magic has planned. Everything happens for a reason, regardless of what I feel."

"The deep magic may help us fulfill destinies, but it has no power over what you feel. That you must decide on your own. Now come, there is much to catch up on."

Sitting down next to him on a couch of sorts I listened to what has happened since I've been gone. Though only two years have passed for me, 100 frozen years have passed for Narnia. Many people lost hope, and with that the White Witches power grew. But now I was back, and with the prospect of Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy arriving soon, hope has begun to grow again.

My powers were able to grow even while on Earth, but I haven't held a sword in two years, much less had any combat practice since my departure. We were to go to war soon, as such I would have to brush up on my skills.


It took another month for the siblings to arrive. Throughout the course of the month I discussed battle tactics with Oreius and some of his troops. I caught up with other people I had known before, and helped out in any way I could around the camp. After being away for so long, it was strange to adjust. The clothes were different, I wouldn't quite say I'm a fan of the dresses. Luckily, I wasn't expected to be in a dress while in combat so I was able to wear trousers and comfier shirts while training — which honestly was more often than not.

The weather was slowly beginning to get warmer, and slowly the Narnia I remember was starting to come back. I was by the still frozen portion of the river, near the camp practicing my archery when I felt them — Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy — enter Narnia. With their arrival I could also feel a surge in the hope my people felt, and for that I was proud because it meant that they believed that we could do it.

I was excited to be reunited with them, but knowing that it would take them a while to arrive I kept going on with my day. To be honest, I was excited to see them again, but anxious knowing that this world is new to them, and knowing that there is a possibility that they may be hurt for leaving Earth without a proper goodbye.


They were nearing the camp, but we were still in need of more troops. Since many still weren't aware of my return Aslan thought it would be best that I help gather troops as seeing me might make them more hopeful. Of course though, I couldn't go far for fear the Jadis would try something against me. Me and a small group of soldiers were a few hours travel away from the camp, staying in a small village of people who were willing to join Aslan's — though I suppose now Peter's — army, when we heard news that the Pevensies had arrived. It was time.

Seeing as there were many people that had to travel back with us, we decided it would be best to begin our journey back in the morning.

It was early into the afternoon when we got back. Upon noticing my arrival after being gone for a few days, everyone stopped what they were doing, kneeled and greeted me with a collective "welcome back your Majesty" — despite my insistence many times before that they not. I looked towards Oreius who was near the entrance of the camp and asked, "Where's Aslan?" In return all I received was him looking towards the left of the camp where Aslan and Peter stood on top of a hill.

Looking at Peter I felt my heart skip a beat. I was happy to see him that much I knew, as for my heart skipping I could only assume it was because I hadn't seen him in so long.

From the look on his face though, I could tell he was confused. I figured there was no point in delaying anything and made my way towards them.

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