VI: After

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Now that the Witch is defeated, the Pevensie's are to ascend to the throne as told by the prophecy. But, before that can happen there is specific knowledge on Narnian traditions they must first obtain. For now it was decided that as Narnia gets a little more settled, they would be allowed to learn the basics they would need for their coronation. After, they will of course get royal advisors that will help them through what they need and continue teaching them.

Since they are not yet the ruling Kings and Queens, I am to take charge with major decisions as I'm technically the rightful ruling monarch.

After 100 years of winter under the rule of the White Witch, there was much to be done. So much so that over the course of the month we designated for everything, I haven't had much of a chance to see the siblings other than in passing. I missed them, so much, but I had so much going on being the only one who really oversaw a lot of the main projects around the capitol.

There was still much to be done in other parts of Narnia, but in a council meeting with some of the people appointed after the war — Tumnus, Oreius, the Beavers, among others — we had concluded that we were prepared enough to go ahead with the coronation.

With this knowledge, I was able to relax about everything that was going on, and take a bit of a break. Now, I was heading towards the main hall where the siblings were in the middle of one of their lessons on etiquette (bleh). As I enter, I dismiss their lecturer with a nod of my head, to which they gather their things and exit with a bow.

"GAIA!" Lucy is the first to call, running up to me and embracing me.

"Luc! My, it hasn't been that long since I last saw you, and already you've grown so much." I speak while in the embrace. Releasing her, I then address the rest of them..."Well aren't you all a joyful bunch." From the looks on their faces they look like they could use a cup of coffee...or two. "I take it you all don't fancy some of your lessons."

"Well what do you expect, everyone seems to have a stick up their as—"

"Edmund!" Peter stops Ed before he could continue. Turning to me Peter continues, "they're not exactly what we would call fun."

With a chuckle I finally begin to talk about what I came actually came for, "well then you'll be glad to hear that you can now take a break, at least until after your coronation."

Finally, they seem to have gained some energy, with surprisingly Susan being the most excited. "So it's been decided then? We're ready? Narnia's ready?"

Glad to see her so excited I respond, "I wouldn't say Narnia is completely ready yet, but you all definitely are. Now, about that break we all now have."

"We? Does that mean we'll actually be able to see you around now?" I hear a hopeful Peter ask.

With a nod I continue, " what do you all say to some adventure beyond these walls."

After going to our respective rooms, we all change into more appropriate attire and head to the stables. Once all set, we take off on our own horses to ride and explore the woods around the castle. Since there are still many people who supported Jadis, it wasn't deemed completely safe to leave the castle alone, so we did have a few guards — mainly centaurs — accompany us.

A bit into our trip, I slowed down and allowed the siblings to continue their fun. Noticing me missing from his side, Peter soon backtracked and continued on beside me. "It's been a while since we saw you properly, we missed you."

While still moving forward at a trot, I turned to look at him. "I missed you all too, more than I care to admit. Unfortunately, Narnia was in need of me. The Witch may be gone, but her influence isn't."

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