IV: Calm

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Later that night...

Walking to Aslan's tent I saw him looking into a fire. "Aslan, may I come in?"

"Of course, what can I do for you?"

"I just wanted to see if you've heard anything from Oreius about Edmund...the rest of the siblings are getting anxious."

"I'm sure Oreius will bring him back safely, I however have not yet heard from him." He said in a solemn tone as he went back to looking into the fire. With that I knew that was all I would get out of him. Along with it I could also feel a negative aura in the deep magic...something terrible was about to happen, and I feared for Aslan...

Walking out of the tent I looked up and saw Peter looking out over the camp on the hill from earlier. Walking over I sat down next to him. "A penny for your thoughts?" I asked.

"This is all mental...I'm still trying to convince myself that I'm not dreaming...how'd you do it? Y'know when you went over to our world and realized you were no longer home?"

"To be honest with you, that part of my life still feels like a dream...If it weren't for me still being able to work on my powers and sense Narnia, I would have probably lost it..."

"Thanks...that makes me feel so much better..." He said sarcastically.

In response I gave a chuckle. "I'm sure Aslan's already told you...but the deep magic that rules over Narnia does not easily make a mistake. If you are here that means you are meant to be here...and from the feel of it for quite some time too. You question yourself do you not?"

"Of course I do...I'm just a kid from England. How am I supposed to not only protect everyone and save a whole world...I know nothing."

"You believing that proves that you are ready and that you are worthy. Do not doubt yourself, and believe in yourself. I do" I say as I now look him in the eyes. The glow of the fires from the camp lighting up his face in a way that makes it almost glow...and makes my heart want to stop. Somehow, I find him impossibly closer than before, so close that I could have sworn he had looked down to my mouth.

"Gaia...thank you..." I don't know why but I once again find myself getting even closer to him, and my heart pounding in my ears. His lips seem to move once again but I can't hear him over my heart...but I do find myself nodding for some odd reason...
Seconds later I feel his lips against mine...soft and chapped at the same time. I don't know who leaned in first, but I do know that upon feeling his uncertainty, I found myself leaning in more.

Pulling away, with our foreheads resting on one another I whisper, "we should head to bed...in our own tents, not together of course. It's late, and given everything I'm sure we'll probably have a long day...plus we already had a long day today as is..." I'm stopped by the feeling of his lips on mine again...I guess I was ranting quite a bit...

"Yeah, we should...I'll see you tomorrow...Goodnight Gaia."

"Goodnight Peter," and with that we both went our separate ways.


The next morning I woke up early to go train. But, I'm stopped short by the sight of Edmund and Aslan on the hill from yesterday. Edmund! He's returned safely. Soon I'm joined by Peter also seeing the view of Edmund's return. Not long after the girls also come out of their tent, and once they see where we're looking, relief and excitement washes over them.

Unable to contain her excitement, Lucy exclaims her brother's name. Sensing that the conversation between Aslan and Edmund is a serious one, Peter stops her from running over to them. After a few moments, Ed and Aslan finish their conversation and make their way over.

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