her red lipstick

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In this night we talk for the first time
Without you acting so cool
and a mask of everything is fine
Laughing and calling others fool
How beautiful this night
with you by my side
and listening to each other's messy side
Drinking this stolen red wine
from your father's cellar
We are here under the stars
And I swear to someone who created them that,
I will never forget how red lipstick
looks good on you
I will never forget the cold wind and your moonlit hair
Your laugh, smile, and your vanilla scent
But did I already said how red lipstick looks good on you?
You are so you, so raw and true
I will never forget this night with you like this red-stained in my white shirt that will never remove
I will never forget the taste of that red lipstick and how you colored my blue heart in bright red while saying it looks like yours too

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