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Nico di Angelo was in Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, the closest wizard school to Italy. He was a fourth year. The dark son of Hades was wearing the uniform, a light blue vest along with blue pants. Blue was not his color. But it was fine. He was going to transfer to a different school anyway. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, his old school. One of his friends, a boy called Raphael, came over. He had dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. 

(Underlined is French)

"I'll miss you!"

"I'll miss you to." 

Nico got ready to leave. He packed his bags and waved to Madame Maxime.

"We will miss you. If it doesn't work out, you can come back."

"Thank you Madame Maxime. I had a very good time here."

Finally he was going to Hogwarts. He had decided to visit each of the wizard schools. Durmstrang still taught the dark arts, Beauxbatons also taught the art of beauty and gracefulness. Now, time for Hogwarts. They taught the practical stuff in the best way. How would he fare? 

He appeared in Diagon Alley. He decided to visit the bank. He reached into his pockets and fished out the keys to different vaults in Gringotts. An obsidian key was the key for his own vault. A silver key with a skull on it was the vault for Hades children. A bronze key leads to the vault with the money he earned from work. Another was the Slytherin vault. He got the silver key with emeralds shaped like an "S" since he was related to Salazar Slytherin. He was his half-brother. Nico met him in the Elysian Fields and the founder could sense the wizarding blood in him. He told him the directions to the key. A glowing purple key lead to the di Angelo family vault. The last one was a golden key with rubies, the one to his mother's vault. He had found it on her when she had died with another key with his name on it. That day, he unlocked his powers and kept it all a secret from everyone he knew. He had even gone to Hogwarts since he got his mother's will. Everyone thought he was thrown into the Lotus Hotel and Casino as soon as his mother had died, which wasn't true. Hades had mourned for three years and didn't notice when Nico slipped away.

Nico's best friend was Tom Marvalo Riddle, one of his relatives. Riddle was a descendant of Hades. They had studied together and by the end of their first year, they had learned all the spells a wizard could use and how to use them. They also learned all the knowledge from all the other classes, even ones they couldn't take in their first year. Nico had gone to the Restricted Section multiple times and read every book available. Dumbledore was just a professor so he couldn't take any of the books away. He had shared a lot of that information with Tom. However, according to the shadows, after Nico vanished, Tom went off the deep end and tried to cheat death. He called himself Lord Voldemort and tried to take over the world. Or maybe he just wanted to take over the WIzarding World. However, Tom was new to prophecies so in hearing it and trying to thwart it, he ruined all his chances of succeeding. So he ended up not becoming immortal. He entered the bank and the goblins looked over at him.




He gave the key he had gotten through working. They looked at it. Then they looked up sharply.

"A descendant of Nico di Angelo?"



They took him on the cart. Although Nico would never say it out loud, the ride was fun. They made it to a bronze vault. They opened it and Nico entered. He created a bottomless bag using the Mist and put a lot of galleons, sickles, and knuts in it. There were probably over a hundred thousand coins in the bag, but his vault didn't even have a dent. Also, his bag felt light. Over the years, Nico had earned a lot, but this vault was nothing compared to 0.0000001% of any one of his other vaults. All in all, he was probably the richest person in the Wizarding World and the real world through heritage (thanks Hades) and work. He has a company in the real world and he works odd jobs in both worlds.

After collecting all of his supplies, he decided to get a new wand. He entered Ollivanders Wand Shop. His old wand was with him but it was old and a new wand couldn't hurt. He went inside and Ollivander came over.

"Aren't you a bit too old to be getting your first wand? You have never been here before."

Nico wondered how he remembers that stuff.

"I had a wand but it broke."

"I see. Now hold out your wand arm."

Nico held out his right arm. He was ambidextrous but his right arm is what he preferred.

Ollivander got a tape measure that measured Nico's arm itself. It went back to Ollivander as he was looking through his boxes. After an hour, Ollivander had a broken window, broken boxes, an icy floor, and a burnt desk while Nico had no wand. What was strange was that Ollivander smiled more with each wand eliminated.

"Interesting. Quite a challenge." He suddenly looked at Nico.


Nico was shocked. He couldn't know... could he?


"You're quite a challenge. I like it."

He went to the back and brought out a black box.

"Instead of just one wood, yours is made of multiple. Very few have that. This one has silver lime, elder and yew. I needed all of them to hold in the cores. The handle is obsidian inlaid with a dark purple diamond. The height is 11 3/4 inches. Slightly flexible. You also have multiple cores. The only people with multiple cores and multiple kinds of wood were the di Angelos'. The cores are thestral hair, bone and a feather from Thanatos."

Nico opened it and saw a black wand with a glowing purple gem inlaid on the obsidian handle. He picked it up and suddenly all the shadows rushed towards him. The air turned cold and Nico rose up with black magic surrounding him. His eyes opened and turned fully black. A minute later, his eyes turned back to normal and the shop was all fixed. He looked at Ollivander who was gaping.

"How much?"

"15 galleons."

Nico pulled out the amount and gave it.

"Thanks. Bye."


He left the shop, pulling out his transfer acceptance letter. He would need it later. He entered the Leaky Cauldron and noticed a lot of broken people. He sighed. Really Tom?  Nico decided to try and get a pet the next day. His eyes started closing as he started falling asleep. Just before his eyes closed, he noticed a small black blur as he succumbed to the realm of Hypnos. 


First chapter of the new book! It's a Hogwarts one. Let's see what'll happen. I'd like to thank everyone who supported me through my last book. Anyway, this chapter was 1100 words. 

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