The First Week

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Nico di Angelo woke up in cold sweat. He took a shower and got ready for the day. He practiced spells and made his bed using magic. He went up to the owlery.

"Hey Morte."

The screech owl hooted sleepily. Nico put food down for the owl and went downstairs. He entered an empty classroom.

"Ghosts, hear your king's call. Come to me." His voice was magnified to all ghosts. If anyone heard it, it would sound eerie and it would sound like he was using a voice magnifying spell.

The ghosts floated in, bowing and kneeling. A ghostly crown formed on Nico's head.

"My king, we welcome you."

"Treat me like a regular student around the others. Now, do all of you have permits?"

"Yes sir. They were given by Lady Hecate."

"Right, it's her pet world."

"Yes sir."

"Alright, you may leave."

The ghosts left and Nico grabbed breakfast from the kitchen. The house elves were more than happy to give it to him. Suddenly, there was an Iris Message.

"Hey cuz! Camp Olympus has been built. Where are you?" Percy asked.

"Somewhere out of America."

"Oh. I'll tell Anubis you're fine. Okay, bye!"

When it was finally breakfast time, Nico sat down with the Slytherins.

"Attention everyone. Word has arrived to us that there is a new threat."

Everyone started yelling. Nico stood up.


Everyone stared at him. He looked slightly angry. His aura radiated cold, fear, darkness and death.

"You didn't even fight with us!" Someone yelled.

"We lost our family, our friends. You lost nothing!" Another yelled.

Nico's eyes flashed red with anger.

"Believe what you wish. Later, you may find out the truth. But right now, we have bigger things to deal with. If you wish to lose more friends, then you won't listen or pay attention. If you want to lose family, don't fight."

Everyone glared at him.

"You're just a slimy snake!"

"So, Slytherin is still the worst house and Gryffindor is the best? Well guess what? I'm also a brave Gryffindor. And I'm proud to be a slimy snake. If it means I'm cunning. I have ambition unlike many of you. Many here lack vision. At least Slytherins have it. It's necessary to move forward. We may have a few bad people, but that doesn't make us evil. Is ambition evil? What about being cunning? It's necessary in the war. So guess what? Over Gryffindor, I'd choose being a Slytherin any day. Gryffindors are reckless and brave. Slytherins proceed with caution and have a high chance of actually winning. It took you over eighteen years to defeat Lord Voldemort because he valued the traits Slytherins have and used them. If you want to win, you do what you must. That's also a trait we have. He had vision, cunning, ambition and was willing to do what he must to get what he wanted. That's why Slytherins have a high chance of being successful. Especially as spies since our sneaking skills are amazing. So stop looking down on us, look up at us. We might be the ones to turn the tides of the war."

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