First Day

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In the morning, they noticed a new bed. It was empty. Some people could have sworn they saw a small black bird flying around it. The Gryffindor boys went downstairs and noticed Proffessor McGonagall talking to Nico. She gave him something and he sat down at the Gryffindor table.

"Hey." Harry said.


"What year are you in?"


"Nice. Your schedule?"

He shrugged.

"How do you not know?"

"I haven't looked over it yet. But I suppose I should."

He brought out his wand and swept it across the schedule. The letters changed.

"Defense against the dark arts, charms, potions, transfiguration, ancient studies, herbology, alchemy, arithmancy, divination and ancient runes."


"Should I have taken history of magic?"

"Really? The teacher is so boring. He's a ghost."

Nico's eyes flashed.


"Ya. There's hundreds. Actually, they're all missing right now which is weird."

Nico shoved some of the egg in his mouth. He looked at the Slytherin table and noticed a blond person, probably a Malfoy, not talking to anyone. That was a first. Malfoys were usually prats and tried to be as popular as possible.

"Hey, is that a Malfoy?"

"Why yes." Hermione answered.

"He doesn't seem like a prat. Most of them are."

Harry snorted.

"He is a prat. But we just had a war and his dad's in Azkaban. Who knows what happened to his mom."

"Who's his dad?"


"Dam. I feel bad for him."


"That guy is terrible. Reputation over family. Like most of the Malfoys."

"Oh. How do you even know this information?" The owls started coming in and gave letters to the recipients. 

"I do research. And I come from a pureblood family." Nico replied, pushing the rest of his food away and got up.

"You didn't even eat that much." Hermione noted.

"I had anorexia a while ago."


Nico left and the ghosts started entering. 

"What's anorexia?" Ron asked. 

"When people starve themselves. They fear being fat and even when they're really thin, they think they're fat." (Sorry if I get something wrong.) Hermione replied.

"But it's a muggle thing cause wizards have beautification spells and potions." She continued.

Harry frowned.

"Why would a pureblood have a muggle disorder?"

Hermione shrugged.

"He could go to Madam Pomfrey for help. She has nutrient potions." 

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