Hey Tom

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All was going well. Using the Mist during Greek Mythology (taught by the demigods. He didn't want them to know.), going to his classes, visiting Morte, playing with Bianca, researching, eating in the Great Hall, sleeping in his dorms and sneaking out to visit Ombre and the Thestrals. Perfect. But of course, he should have expected something to go wrong. Just not at breakfast.


Nico entered the Great Hall in his usual fashion, sat down next to Draco and began eating. He had barely finished half of it when the doors burst open.

"I'm back!"

Nico turned as Harry stood up. The demigods brought out their weapons and everyone else brought out their wands.

"What do you want Voldemort?!" Harry shouted.

"To take over Hogwarts and the rest of the Wizarding World!" He smiled. He looked around.

"Attack!" He yelled and a surge of Death Eaters swarmed towards them. 

"Stop!" Nico yelled. He stood up. Draco looked at him.

"What are you doing?!" He whisper-yelled.

"Stopping this." He replied.

Voldemort turned to look at him, raising his hand. The Death Eaters stopped.

"And who might you be?"

"Someone who wants to know why you are doing this." The Mist mask was on.

"Those filthy muggles and mudbloods don't belong here."

"They belong here as much as you do."

"They murdered him! If it was a pureblood, they would have paid the consequence, but a mudblood could say they were getting a hang of their magic. I saw him dead in front of me, my best friend - gone. The one who I trusted, who I spent my first two years with - gone! So many good memories turned stale. The quiet pureblood kid, ever so sweet and helpful - GONE! AND NO ONE CARED! THEY WENT ON LIKE IT WAS ALRIGHT! But if it was a precious mudblood..."

Nico smiled sadly as the wizards and demigods stood, shocked.

"It's a terrible thing isn't it? Seeing someone you cared for - dead."

"What do you know about it?"

"A lot. They know too." He pointed towards the demigods.

"Friends, family - they lost many they cared for. Watched them die in front of them, knowing this might have been prevented if they stepped in sooner. If they just tried harder. If they were more prepared. Don't give in to the guilt. Don't harm innocents. Just do something about the guilty ones. Live in the present, not the past. Stop this. Please Tom. If not for them, then for me?"

And with that, the Mist mask fell. 


I know. Been forever since I last updated. I'm getting moving on from the Percy Jackson fandom, but I will still write books for it. After this book, it will be where Nico meets Tam. 

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