Chapter One

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When A Shinigami Is Sent Up To The Human World, So Are Angels

Life and death will always be equal to each other, never one outweighing that other for long. Shinigami and Angels are opposites in each aspect of how they live and interact with human life.
"L/N Y/N! To the Honor's Hall!" A voice booms through the marble halls. The sound of footsteps and the dragging of fabric slide on the smooth, white tiles. A pair of sleek hands grasped the brass handles and opened the large double doors to a blinding light.
"To the center of the stand." The voice commanded. The woman grabbed the bars and stepped onto the stand. There above her were the 12 angels of Honor. All line up with one angel rising on each side till it meets the finale two, Esme and Vince.
Both wore gold dresses/togas. Esme had teal eyeshadow with full eyelashes, which complimented her full, pink lips. Vince had eyeliner on his eyes that made his eyes more 'noticeable'. Both of their hair styles were pulled back by braided headbands. Of course, no one would ever forget their vibrant blue eyes, but all angels had that.
"L/N, the society of the honored angels have found a 'problem' in the Human World." Vince spoke out. He whistled a dove to come. He gave it a scroll and it flew down to her. The dove dropped it to her and flew back to Vince. She opened the scroll to see a picture of a young man and some cursive writing of information.
"That is Light Yagami or known in the Human World as Kira." Esme stated, "He has recently received the Death Note from the Shinigamis. He has been reported to be killing criminals. Now he has started to kill F.B.I agents."
"So, why do you need me?" F/N asked.
"We believe that this case of the Death Note should be put in your hands. We have all discussed it and have hope you can help solve this 'Kira' case or at least watch over and carry it to an end." All the angels agreed and nodded.
"Okay, when shall I need to leave for this." She asked as she ran her hand through her hair.
"As soon as possible. Please take the time now to gather all you need." Y/N tried to speak against this but remember who she was talking to.
"Thank you. I shall use my time wisely." She bowed down to them. "Have a fair afternoon." She stepped off the stand as the Honors chatted about the end of the session.

Her sandals clicked on the floor as she walked down the hallways, occasionally passing some angels that would greet her with their white smiles. All the halls had large windows that peered outside where there was a sky and clouds, sometimes she would see angels fly over. The only thing she couldn't see was her reflection, no one could. Not even in the clear white tiles that shined like they were brand new. It's supposed to help not commit the sin pride. That's how it's always like up here.
Everyone loved each other equally but not anymore so no one committed lust. They ate only three meals a day, never snacking or getting hungry. Envy never came since everyone loved each other, and the home was so nice. They never sleep so angels were always working. All were given the same so no one way special, this was the way to be perfect. The home gave a calm aroma, so everyone was happy. Every angel was in a reflection image to be human, unlike Shinigami. Angels did have a more divine form, but it is masked due to its power.
Y/N opened the door to her room. It looked like a study with a desk and a cabinet. Off to the side was a white lounge chair. She decided to sit at the desk and look over the scroll that the Honor Angels gave her.
Light Yagami, he looked pretty handsome, she guessed. Won't be surprised if he had a relationship with a woman or girls fawning. It said that he's a college student, outstanding grades, and an active member in family and friends. For his age, he's smart. Now I can see how he could have the Death Note for this long.
A knock came at Y/N's door. "Who is it?" She asked.
"It's Zoe!" A cheery voice answered as they cracked the door open.
"Come in." She replied.
The door opened to a redhead girl that had freckles all over her face and arms. She wore a knee length dress and winged sandals that showed she was a delivery angel. Her red hair was in a french braid and her bangs were parted.
"So," she spoke up, "I heard the Honor Angels are sending you down to the Human World for the Kira case!"
"Yes, what about it?" She asked like there was something the Honors didn't tell her.
"What about it! Y/N, this case is huge! If you become a part of it and succeed, you can become an Honor Angel!" She held Y/N's S/C hands. "You could talk to Them, Lord!"
The 'Lord' holds the same position as the Shinigami king has to them. Both hold immeasurable power over all of them and yet are rarely seen. The only difference between them is Lord has the angels at their every will while Shinigamis just need to follow several rules and not die.
"Yes Zoe, I know. It's just that I don't think I want to do this. If you look over this man's bio, he's dangerous to all Humans and Shinigami. Who knows what he can do to an angel when we expose ourselves to the human world?"
"Well this is a mission they chose you for, so they must have hope in you. And in my words, I believe you can do it." She hugged Y/N. "I hope the best for you."
Y/N hugged back "Thank you, Zoe."
Zoe let go of the hug and said her goodbyes.
Y/N sighed and grabbed the scroll and closed the door to her room. No time to waste.

"Are you ready to leave for the Human World, Miss L/N?" The guard of the gates asked while standing proud.
"Yes, I am sure." She replied with confidence.
"Okay, remember when the cross is off, you will become mortal in the Human World." They reached into a side satchel and pulled out a woven necklace with a golden cross hanging off of it.
"Yes, I understand. I will not fail this." She nodded and took it.
"Glad to know." The guard grabbed the keys to the golden gate. "We have fate in you, now start your mission." The gate swung open.
"Thank you!" Her winged opened from her back as she jumped off the clouds. Her hair free in the wind. It felt nice. That is until she felt like she was falling more than flying.
"WAIT YOU CAN'T-!" The guard yelled as she fell
She glanced up to her wings. They were losing their white feathers. "Oh no!" She was trying to stop it, but nothing happened. Then the bone and flesh started the disintegrate, leaving her with a bare back.
" no no no no no NO NO NO!!!" Clouds were passing her by faster and fasted
She looked to see a gleam of small light away from her fall into a forest.
"Wait-!" She reached out her hand to it before.

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