Chapter Three

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Shinigamis And Angels Can Tell Each Other Apart
A Shinigami Can Still Interact With An Angel In Mortal Form without needing to touch the death note

Being an angel is a strict living. Unlike Shinigami, Angels have to follow many standards of living to the T compared to Shinigamis several rules. The Seven Deadly Sins based on how the Angels live their lives as perfect as possible. If not, an Angel can suffer very severe consequences because of this.

4:45 a.m.
Y/N sat down on one of the benches in the large park. Her feet were in pain and the pain from the fall on the building rooftop was coming back. "I-I've looked all around this p-park, in the middle of the night till dawn, and have not found that STUPID necklace." She stuttered. "A-and these clothes a-aren't helping at all." Y/N tried to stretch the shorts to cover more legs and zip up the jacket more than it already was.
After Y/N left the abandoned building, the temperature dropped as the night went on. She found it weird because it's colder in the clouds than the Human World. It was even weirder because she only wore a draped dress as clothing up there. Throughout this whole park that leads to the woods, I found nothing. I probably have blisters too! And for nothing but walking around the park for several hours.'
She tried to go walking in the city but winced as her body moved. 'My body's started to shut down. I need to hurry to at least a hospital.' Attempting to get up again, her voice gave out a cry and landed back on the bench.
"Why wasn't my b-body reacting like this when I was on the rooft-top?" Her breaths were becoming heavy. "I just want to r-rest..." Y/N's eyes fluttered closed as the morning sun reached above the trees.

A Mortal Angel Can Fall Asleep In That Form, But Commit The Sin Of Sloth and so on

'What is that beeping?'
"Miki, Ms. Young is waking up."
"Can you get it for me? I have a man who just got out of surgery."
"Fine. You owe me a morning shift."
"Ms. Young, how are you feeling?" Y/N's eyes open to a female in a nurse's blue uniform.
"W-what happened?" Her voice came out groggy with her throat sore.
"You don't remember?" She asks, surprised.
"No, not really." She sighed.
"A man brought you in. He said you were passed out in a park with injuries. I would get him, but he left a while back." The nurse grabbed a clipboard from the end of the bed and flipped a paper. "You were found with minor bruises, a gash on your head, an almost sprained ankle, blisters, and a broken rib that was going to start bleeding if you kept moving. We also scanned you and found that some of your ribs were ready to break too. It's a miracle that you lasted outside in the park."
"So how long will I be in here?" Y/N rested back on the bed.
"At least two weeks or if the docto-"
"TWO WEEKS!" She sprung up, but the nurse pushed her back.
"Please Ms. Young, we don't want you to injure yourself more!" The nurse put the clipboard back on the bed and walked towards the door. "If you need me, press the nurse's button on the side of the bed. My name is Emi. Please don't try to move that much, that rib was centimeters from stabbing you."
"Okay... Thank you..." The nurse left to the outside. 'Esme going to be so mad about this...'

"Ms. Young, you have a visitor!" The nurse said in a cheered voice as Y/N put the novel of 'Misery' down. "And he's pretty handsome!" She blushed.
It's been a week, Y/N's room was moved up so there were more rooms in the emergency room. She was now able to sit up and walk around but not to the point she was in shape of a healthy human. Her new nurse, Naomi, would bring her books so she wouldn't get bored flipping through the TV. Though it sucks because she would finish the book in the afternoon even though she would bring novels. That and she had the TV that was always on the news so she would see the people 'Kira' had killed.
"I don't have visitors." She replied.
"Well he says that he knows you and said that he's a friend of yours."
"... Let him in." Y/N told the nurse and she left to get him. 'Could this be the guy that brought me here?' She thought to herself. It's weird how a guy can bring some random person passed out into a hospital and not drop by saying "Hey, I was the one who brought your dying body here."
"Here she is." F/N heard the nurse say outside the room. Then the door was closed and clicked meaning it was locked. It was Vince.
He was in a business suit that had a dark blue tie with a holy charm pinned to it. His hair was no longer pulled back by a braided headband. The blond locks were ruffled in the back and his bangs were moved to the left. His eyes were still a vibrant blue. In his hands were a bouquet of lilies.
"So," he started. "Have you found your 'Holy' Charm yet?"
"Does it really look like I found it?" Y/N said sarcastically, pointing out her injured body.
"Don't sass me L/N. Don't you remember that you have a mission?"
"No, I cracked my whole body on that building for nothing! And if you smelled this place, it reeks of Shinigami's."
Vince's face was turning red until he took a deep breath. "There are stairs."
"Excuse me?" Y/N quickly turned her head to him. "You're telling me that nobody told me we had STAIRS?"
"The stairs have been in place-." Vince was shut down.
"No no no. The last time I came down to earth, we didn't have "stairs"." She puts up air quotes. "Back when I did my last mission, which was a couple hundred years ago, we were to fall down into the earth and not waltz down some stairs."
"Listen L/N, this case is very important. Yes, I know you got injured and you're frustrated at this news, but there are people out getting killed."
"Oh okay, let me just get out of this bed with a still broken rib and ankle and solve everything. So, in the end I'm beat to death from it. Then Esme is going to be mad at both of us for something we couldn't help to stop." Y/N argued. "Maybe if I knew about this stairs installation, I wouldn't be confined to this bed." Slamming her fist down to her sides.
"You know what! I knew this was going to happen." Vince grabbed something out of his jacket while steam was puffing out of his ears. "This should help the healing process." It was a small bottle with some pills in it. "Your wounds should be gone by tomorrow." He places the bottle in Y/N's hands. "I need to get back." The bouquet of lilies was put on the counter.
"Wait!" Y/N said as he started to walk out.
"What is it?" Vince sighed.
"Were you the one who took me here?" She asked while she tried to keep her hands busy with fiddling the blanket.
"If I did find you, you would have already been healed. Is that it?"
"... Yeah, that's it." The door was opened and closed and with that, Y/N had to deal with her first impromptu meeting with one of the highest Honors Angel.
She grasped the bottle and took one of the flavor-less pills then went back to bed.

"Okay Miss Young, the doctor gave me back the scan from earlier," Naomi flipped through the scan pictures in her hand. "And it looks like you can take early leave!"
'Thank you, Lord.' Y/N thought to herself.
"So, let me just get your clothes." She walked over the cabinet and grabbed a bag. "I cleaned your clothes for you since they were covered in some dirt and blood." The bag was placed on the bed. Then Naomi leaned over to Y/N and whispered, "I also got you a new pair of undergarments." She giggled and went to the door. "Come out to the desk to sign the papers when you're done!" Then she left.
Y/N like having Naomi as a nurse. She was always trying to keep her company going and she was free. She was cute with her dark brown hair pulled back and chubby body shape. It was sad that she was only a student nurse but stayed after her class hours were over.
The door to Y/N's room opened as she closed the door and left it. She had nothing but the phone and wallet in her. That's what she really enters the hospital with. Naomi waved her hand to Y/N at her desk. She walked over and Naomi slid a clipboard to her. "Just sign the places where it says, 'Sign Here', and then you're good to leave!"
"What about the cost?" Y/N asked not being stupid knowing a hospital was going to keep her for free.
"Oh, that handsome gentleman who came, paid for it."
"Oh." 'I should have known that's the real reason he came here.' Y/N signed the last line and slid back the clipboard.
"Thank you and I hope that I can see you again, Miss Young!" Naomi waved bye.
"You too, Naomi . Have fun with nursing." Y/N went to the staircase instead of the elevator.

Y/N's stomach growled as she walked down the busy streets of Japan. "I should probably get something to eat." She looked up to see a sweet shop. 'I guess something sweet would be that bad.' The bell on the door rang as she entered in.
"Welcome!" A black hair girl in a waitress uniform came to her. "You must be Skyler Young!"
"Yes?" she lied. "What is it you need?"
"Someone is holding a seat for you. Here let me take you to him!" She took Y/N's hand and led her through the shop.
'Who would've known I was coming here?'

Angels Are Forbidden From Falling For A Human Or Shinigami

Angel from AboveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz