Chapter Five

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Messenger Angels Have the Ability To Be Invisible To Humans

Angels have a very complicated hierarchy that can make one vomit trying to track all the duties and what they do. As average Angels lose their abilities to stay an Angel in the human world. Delivery Angels are a special group that doesn't need to shed that layer and remain invisible. If you are walking alone down a street and feel sometimes rush or bump into you, it was most likely a delivery Angel.

"Hey Girly, Y/N. Whatever they call you. Wake up!" A deep yet feminine voice shaked her shoulder.
"No, just a minute." She muttered.
"I said WAKE UP!" A gust of cold wind blew in her face, making her wide awake.
"Eck!" She sat up in the hotel bed. Then a hand clamped over her mouth.
"Will you shut up; you're going to wake up all of the humans in this building!" They yelled. "And talk through your thoughts okay. I'm not making this delivery long than it should be." The voice moved its hand from her lips. Her vision cleared up more to see that the room was pitch black except the wide open window she opened before bed that let in the moonlight. Then the figure that was basically straddling her on the bed had long, curly hair and one gleaming eye.
"Okay, to make this clear so I can finish this delivery. I'm Susanna, one of the delivery angels. I came here because someone thought it would be funny to send you down with one pair of clothes. And funnier to send you down wearing my pair of clothing." She grabbed a bag from the back of her and handed it to Y/N. "That should last you about a week before you have to go out and get more clothes."
"Wait." Y/N whispered
"Quiet!" Susanna roared.
'Sorry, do you have a spare Holy Charm on you?' She asked.
"Ha ha," Susanna laughed. "No, do I look like a tree that grows them?"
'Fine! Just leaving if you're done.'
"Thanks," she got off the bed and grabbed Y/N's old clothes. "By the way, a tip. Your necklace is near that place your 'friend' is moving to." Susanna jumped up to the window, so you saw her better in her knee length dress, a bandage wrapped around her right eye, and wings. "This is goodbye for now, but you will meet me later." She jumped with her wing opening wide.
'Such a nice woman.' Y/N thought sarcastically. She went up to the window and closed it. Then she tucked herself back into bed.

"Sky-chan! Time to wake up!" L yelled into the microphone in her room.
F/N lifted her head from the pillow and grabbed the alarm clock on the nightstand. "Ryuzaki! It's only 4:30!" She yelled back.
"Well how late do you think I was going to keep you sleeping for?"
"We are moving to a new building so get ready. You'll get to see the members." Then L turn off the microphone.
"Fine." She pulled off the blanket then curled up from the cold air kissing her bare legs. "Better get up now then later." She sighed and got off the bed. She grabbed the bag from Susanna and walked to the bathroom.
The lights lit up the bathroom and the mirror to show her with messy hair and a large white shirt. She placed the bag on the sink counter and took out the first things that seemed like the right clothing items. "Seems right." She pulled out a navy blue dress shirt and a pair of black pants.
Y/N opened the door to L's room and saw the room almost empty except for some boxes.
"Ah, Sky-chan!" L waved over where he sat with a place of cake and a laptop. "You're just in time. I see you also got your stuff too." He pointed to the small duffel bag.
"Yeah, so what about the other members?"
"Oh, they're already at the building, I just needed to check some things before I decided to leave." He shut the laptop. "Watari has the car ready to go." His slim hand grabbed onto Y/N's wrist. "Come, let's go."
The car stops in an indoor parking spot in what seemed like the building. Then the door on L's side opens to Watari.
"We're here." He plainly said.
"Thank you, Watari." L got out of the car. He held his hand out for Y/N. "Are you coming?"
"Y-yes." She grabbed his hand and got out. She was right that they were in an indoor parking garage.
They walk in to see a couple of people walking around.
"Everyone," L called and the people turned to him. "This is Skyler Young; she's going to be working on the case with us."
"How can you trust her?" One of the members shouted.
"Cause if she was Kira, she would have known I only put a mic in her room and would have killed me. She does "
Y/N froze up as she heard that 'Is that why he never questioned about the window opening?'
"Well if Ryuzaki trusts you enough to be on the case then we should tell you who we are. I'm Soichiro Yagami, deputy director. My son, Light Yagami, works on the case also, but he's at college now."
"Oh okay." 'So, this is where he works.'
"And there is Shuichi Aizawa, Kanzo Mogi, Touta Matsuda, Hirokazu Ukita.
"Hello." Y/N said, bowing then looking back at all the members. "I'm kind of confused, I thought more people were on the case?"
"There were." Soichiro sighed. "Most of them either left to be with family or died on the case."
"Oh, I'm really sorry about the lost." She bowed again.
"It's fine, they were good people and didn't die in vain or are not cowardly to fear for their lives and families." The room turned gloomy as the officers remembered the moments the case turned from many to only five people on deck.
"Okay," Ryuzaki said and clapped his hands together. "Let's get to work. Sky-chan, you sit on the computer to the left of me."
"Yay, now will be closer than I never wanted to be." Y/N muttered sarcastically.

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