Chapter Six

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Only Shinigami/Other Angels Can See The True Name Of An Angel

Shinigami eyes are a neat cheat for a big price being a Human with the death note. With Shinigami eyes, you can see the name and date a person will die. So, what does that mean to a Human reading the name of an Angel?
Y/N leaned back in the chair as she looked away from the blinding, bright screen that she's been working on for more than four hours.
"Getting tired?" L asked as he picked up another sweet.
"No, it just feels like this screen is burning my eyes." She rubbed her eyes. "How can you deal with this daily?" Y/N was getting sick of being stuck in a building with no windows open and only the artificial lighting of the room.
"I guess that I've got used to it." He says while shoving the sweets into his mouth and looking off.
"Well I can't. My eyes feel like they need some tear drops or something like that." She mumbled. "At least some natural light!"
"You know that you can take a break," he said.
"But I have to come with you." He finished.
"Never mind, I think I enjoy the indoors." She sat back up and started typing on the computer.
"Come on, Sky-chan! You can meet Light, the son of Soichiro." He complained.
'Wait, Light?' Y/N stopped typing. 'Oh yeah, Mr.Yagami talked about him earlier. I guess I could go and investigate, but I have to have Lawliet and he's like a night owl on my shoulder watching every move I make.' She turns back to him and sees he hasn't stopped staring at her. 'What am I kidding? If I came back with Light on my side, Lawliet would start to make suspensions. That and if Lawliet found him first, I wouldn't seem weird for finding a person that doesn't know anything about me. So, I guess I'm going with Hedwig.'
"Okay, L. I'll go. I can't even remember how long I've last seen the light outside so let's go." Y/N replied, stretching her arms as she stood up.
"Great. Let me just grab a book." L got off his chair and stalked off to another room.

It was a nice day out. Not too hot or cold. The wind was fair and didn't blow anything away, so walks or sitting down on a bench. The only problem for Y/N was that she had to wait outside with L for Light to get out of class like a parent forcing their child to wait in a doctor's office to leave. What made it worse was that she had nothing to do so all she was doing was looking up at the heavens or looking over to L's book.
"How long are college classes?" Y/N whined.
"About an hour and a half or so." L said as he flipped a page in his book. "Not that much longer till his class gets out. Why, you have a date or something?" He asked with sarcasm.
"Yes, I have a date with myself in the park." Y/N replied. "Alone."
"Well too bad, you're going to be stuck with me.~" He hummed while flipping another page in his book.
"Great~" Y/N rolled her eyes and looked at the college.
After a half an hour, the doors to the college started to open and students started to pour out of the door and chatted with each other, some of them giving looks to L and her. Then L waved his hand to a person in the flood of people. Y/N looked up and saw Light, well she thought it was Light cause the only pictures she saw of Light was when the Honors gave her his information and one little photo. Also, there was a girl next to him. She had blonde hair which contrasted from the wore gothic clothing she wore.
"Hey there, Ryuzaki! Who's your friend?" The blonde girl asked, hooking her arm with the boy next to her.
"Yeah Ryuzaki, who's she?" Light asked too.
"Oh this is Sky-Chan-!" L started.
"Skyler Young." Y/N cut in, coming behind him and covering his mouth.
"And she's going to be working on the Kira case with us." Light's eyes widen a little at the mention of another person working a case against him. "I hope that doesn't bother you."
"No, no, Not at all." He smiled which looked more like it was forced as he tried to calm his voice down. "It's great to have another person to help on the case. The more people, the faster we can find Kira!" he held out his hand to Y/N for a handshake.
"Thank you." She returned him a handshake. Y/N looked over to see the blonde giving her a death glare.
"Oh yes," Light pointed to the blonde girl next to him. "this is my girlfriend Misa." Y/N name looked up on her head and saw her date and name.
'Yep, he's right.' "Nice to meet you, Misa." Y/N repeat her hand being out for Misa.
"You too" She said, hiding the death glare she made a moment ago.
Light looks on at L "So Ryuzaki, what brings you and Sky over to my college to lounge around?"
"Nothing, I just came to read and now it's time to go." L closed his book and started to walk off. "You coming, Sky-Chan?" He asked.
"I guess?" Y/N muttered. "Nice to see you." She smiled at Light and Misa walked to L.
"That still doesn't answer why you're here!" Light says with his palm cusped to get his words louder.
"Bye!" Misa waved with a huge grin, bring her arm tighter on Light's. Then Light and Misa waited a couple of minutes to see that Y/N and L have left their view to leave in a opposite direction in silence.

"You saw her name?" Light asked as more of a command as they talk in a hush before entering Light's home street.
"No, it just looked like jumbled letters. There was no date either." Misa replayed with hum, trying to find an answer to please Light.
"Hm, I'll see what I can look up." Light said while getting out of Misa's death grip. Then they both said their goodbyes, Ryuk giggling as he and Light walked away towards home.

Humans With The Shinigami Eyes Can't See An Angels True Name

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