Chapter Two

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Wherever An Angel Is Sent To The Human World, They Are Given A 'Holy' Necklace That Gives Them Immortality

While it's odd for an Angel to come to the human world with no past human experience or job, Angels masked their work in the human world as an organization named Triumph Corporation that has no locations known to humans yet each country and continent has an Angel working from it. While an Angel is sent down every time a Shinigami, there are always times one must drop down and fix a small problem.


The angel, Y/N L/N, crashed onto the rooftop of a building in Japan. "Uhg..." She tiredly opened her eyes to see the sky in orange and yellow hues. It must already be sunset. So that must mean she's been out for a couple of hours.
Her body felt sore and didn't want to get up from her sprawled up position on the rooftop. The sound of cars and people were heard from below. Then she felt something leak on the side of her forehead. Blood. Now that gives her a reason to get up.
She groaned as her body crawled up as her body begged her sore body to not move at all. Next to her was a tall satellite tower. It pointed into a spike on the top.
'Well, I guess the crash was better than being impaled' she thought to herself. 'The best would be finding a place inside to clean up.' The building rooftop had a staircase shed to the side. She limped over to the door, jiggling the doorknob for it to open.
'And no one locks it. Let's just hope there's at least medicine in here. Maybe?' Y/N descended the stairs to the top floor of the tall building. 'It's been so long since I've been in the human world.'

The building's top floor was empty, with a room that had office space with a wall made of glass to see into the never ending cubicles. The wall had ads on them stretching down the halls, but Y/N was too busy with her wound to look at what they were. One side of the wall had meeting rooms. It seemed like this floor didn't have a bathroom. The last room of the floor was a large office. It looks like it belonged to the owner or the manager of the building.
The office had a huge desk covered in stacks of paper with nonsense letters. One side of the wall had a wine holder. Behind the desk was a window looking down the city below. Paintings of mountains and cherry trees hung on each side of the door. The light in the office could change to dim from bright.
'Maybe the desk has a first aid.' Y/N sat down on the leather chair and opened the first cabinet on the left. Nothing, only more paperwork and single bullets rolling around.
The right had a handgun case, empty. Cleaning supplies, definitely not for wounds. Two canteens, both had the smell of alcohol. Finally, a small first aid kit with bandages, but nothing to clean up the wound. 'The alcohol and a rag from the cleaning supplies could work.' Unscrewing the cap of the canteen and taking a whiff only to gage at the strong smell.
She grabbed a rag from the unknown cleaning supplies in the desk and poured some alcohol on it. The rag touched her forehead and gave off a stinging burn. She hissed at it, though kept cleaning it. After a couple of minutes with bearing through the painful cleaning, she threw the rag away in a little trash bin underneath the desk. The rag was covered in both dry and new blood, so she saw no point in putting it back.
After a minute of fumbling with the bandages of different sizes, she grabbed the first aid and left the office.
The next floor looked the same as the last, offices and no people. The only good thing about it was the bathroom. Just like most public bathrooms, it had stalls lining one side and many sinks parallel with large mirrors above them. Y/N took the first aid kit to the counter and opened it. She grabbed the gauze and medical tape.
Her hand dropped it when she looked up and saw the mirror. A real mirror where she could finally see herself. She had silky H/C H/L that's a little messy due to the fall and cleaning the wound. Her skin was S/C and had some bruises fluttering on her skin, but not too bad. Like all the angels, her eyes were still a vibrant blue like a newborn baby.
Also, she notices that her clothes changed. The long, draped gown she was wearing changed to look like the western clothing they have in America. A look-a-like bomber jacket with fake leather and fur on the collar. A dark grey tank top. Dark blue shorts with a chain. And sky blue sneaker that had wings that replaced the converse sign.
"Great," she said to herself. "Is this really what these Humans wear in today's time? What happened to all of the women wearing dresses and skirts." She sighed and grabbed the items again. "I'm gonna freeze outside in shorts like this? What month is it even here?"
The wound didn't seem that bad when she looked at it on her forehead. She places the gauze on her forehead and taped it. After putting the supplies back in the kit, she heads out of the bathroom. The window at the end of the hallway showed that the sky had almost turned to night, with the sky having a golden to purple colors. She walked over to enjoy the view of the sunset.
Her hand landed on her waist as she watched while trying to make her sore-ness feel better that ached on. The one thing she realized was that something was in her shorts pocket. A wallet. Must have been something the angels left.
She opened it to find some things filling the average object. An ID card with the name 'Skyler Young'. Really weird name, yet basic name, to have, but no one would ever think it was a fake name. The ID card had her picture and some information that was half true-half false. She put it back in and continued to look in the wallet.
Like every wallet, it carried money (surprisingly seeing not American but Japanese money), cards, and some photos. Like one of an old couple which she was guessing to say it was her parents. A picture of two little girls, one with almost the same features as her. Also, a photo of a tabby kitten. Really weird to carry, but again, if a stranger were to see these they would just think it's someone's memories. Lastly, an employee ID card from Triumph Corporation.
She stuck the wallet back in her shorts and took one last look outside the window. Dark. No stars in the sky due to the light down below outshining the stars above. "I still don't get why Humans cover up the stars. They're better than flashing signs." She muttered to herself and walked over to the stairs.
She opened the door to the stairs before stopping and remembering how big this building is. 'Should I really take the elevator? Would you commit a sin by not walking? Is that an offense? But it's dark and it would be best to find someplace to stay!' F/N argued in her mind about it. 'That's it! I'm taking the elevator. No going back.' She closed the door to the stairs and headed to the elevator on the other side of the floor.
"So how do I use this?" She asked herself. She never really used an elevator. When she did, it was the old days and there were people bringing you to the floor. That and she was used to roman numerals up in the sky than digit numbers. Man, she really needs to find a place to collect her mind. "Maybe if I pressed this button, it could bring me down to the first floor."
Her finger pressed the button with the star on it and the elevator started to shake and move. "Oh no." F/N stomach started to drop as the elevator moved from the very top to the first floor. As it stopped on the first floor, some fell out of the jacket. A blue flip phone with a cloud charm hanging off of it.
"What is this?" F/N asked as she looked at the phone. The elevator door opened, and she ran out of the elevator. "I don't like those things at all! How can people use those every day without a fear of falling through?!" Her back met the wall as she opened the phone.
It lit up with the time, 9:13pm. It also had the background of a carnation. She sighed and closed the phone, putting it back in the jacket. Her head turned to see glass doors that peered to the outside.
"Well," she sighed. "Let's just hope the world hasn't changed that much since I last came here." Her sore body walked over to the glass doors and opened them. Fresh air blew in her face. It was a cool night.

The sneakers clicked as she walked down the busy streets of Japan. Even though she could guess it was a weekday, some humans still walked up and down the street. The first place best to find is at least a pharmacy. 'They should have some painkillers for my soreness.' Then, what she assumed, a drug store came into her view. 'Thank you.' She sighed as she started to walk faster to the store.
"Hello." The clerk said as his eyes scanned the newspaper, not looking up.
"Hi." F/N replied as she hurried to the medicine lane. What a crazy time for a drug store to be open and the pharmacy doctor to not be at the front of the store. Her eyes looked over the different meds that stacked the shelves with numbers stickered underneath them. 'Come on. They should be in this lane. Unless they changed the laws over here. I don't know anymore if I'm being honest' Then a bottle of painkiller came up. She grabbed the one that seemed like it had the least pills. 'I think this is enough. It's not like I'm going to get into another accident. HOPEFULLY.' She took the bottle and walked to the counter.
The clerk looked up from the newspaper and saw Y/N's injury. "GESH! Are you okay, miss?" The clerk asked in a concerned voice.
"Yes, I'm fine. I just..." 'Think! What kind of accident would a woman during this time get this?' "I just had a fight with my boyfriend. Nothing more." She smoothed her hair to the side while looking off. 'I wonder if they still have those problems during this time.'
"Oh," the clerk replied. "You know if this happens often then you should call the police on him. I can just call them now to take you to a doctor" The clerk took the painkiller and checked for a price.
"No, it's fine! You don't need to worry for me." She jiggered.
"Well okay. That will be 789 yen, mam."
"Okay," she got out the wallet and gave the money, not paying much attention to the amount. "Here you go. Just keep the change, please."
"Thanks." The clerk gave her a paper bag. "Have a goodnight."
"You too." Y/n walked out of the drug store.

"Okay so take two?" She read the label of the painkiller. "Well that's easy, I don't see how some people overdose on this. Lol, humans are weird!" She took two of the pills and dry swallowed the pills and regretted not also seeing if the store sold any water too in her haze. Her body started to feel better in senses. "Well that's a good turn." She started to smell something in the air only to stop when she noticed the scent reeking it. "You got to be kidding me." The whole area smelled like death. "There's a Shinigami roaming all of this part of Japan." She got up from the staircase of the abandoned building and started to walk. "Well at least I-" she grabbed her shirt but was hoping to grab a necklace. "That light." She was thinking back to when she was falling.
"That light must have been the necklace. And it landed into a forest! Great! I should have noticed when I was cleaning the wound and buying the painkillers!" She walked off to the city. "I SHOULD HAVE NOTICE WHEN I DIDN'T HEAL AT ALL!"
"Now I have to worry about three things." Y/N sighed and walked towards the nearest park

If The Necklace Is Lost, The Angel Turns Mortal To Sickness, Injury, And Death

Angel from AboveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang