This isn't good...

59 1 4

Soooo sorry for the wait, I was caught up in school work and didn't have the time so here you go.

he's on the verge of passing out when he hears Miko's voice'' FIVE'' she shouts when seeing the state of her fellow glitch tech.

Quickly she activates her gauntlet and starts firing at the glitch.

the glitch startled at her sudden appearance climbs the wall of the alleyway and makes off, not desiring to get shot by the purple-haired girl.

She then macks her way over to five who is currently leaning on the ground try ing to stop swaying.

''FIVE WHAT IN THE NAME OF GLITCH HAPPENED TO YOU'' said an extremely worried Miko.

Five who is now supported by Miko is more worried about the rogue glitch.

''W-what about th-the glitch...'' five stammers.

''W-well sained someone else out later, but right now we hafta look after you''.

After five says a weak ''O-okay'' they make their way over to the Hinoby van that Miko came In.

one in the van she starts to make a list of Fives injures ''how do you fell Five'' says Miko.

''No Bueno'' responds Five.

''il take that as not good'' 

''okay firsts things first we goat get you paced up''

She reached over to the emergency case in the van and pulls out some bandages and quickly starts to rap his side.

trowing a quick glance at five and seeing hi eyes drooping she panics and quickly slaps him on the cheek.

Which cases Five to jerk up soo quickly that he nearly falls on his face if Miko whoint there to catch him.

''Sorry Five but you have to stay awake, dos your head hurt''.

''Y-ya a bit, I think it's also bleeding'' he tells her

looking at his hair she could see the faintest bit of red mixed in with his Galaxy colored hair.

''Oh shoot your right'' she quickly finishes bandaging his side.

''better banding that to'' she said.

After about 5 minutes of her fiddling with the bandages, she stepped back to admire her work then realizing why she was doing it in the first place.

''That should hold'' she says to five

''yha thanks... sorry for scaring you'' says Five ''No problem Five, but why where you out here so late anyway'' responds Miko while looking thro the van for something to drink.

''I got a glitch alert on my gauntlet so I went to investigate'' said five

''Alone with that, What level even is that thing'' Miko said while handing five a bottle of water she found, learning a ''Thanks'' from Five.

''I don't know I went there looking for a level... ok I can't remember the level but it definitely wasn't that thing'' Five said and winched after moving around too much.

''Alright, but are you sure you're okay you got quit a betting back there''

''yha...but what are we going to tell my grandparents. I don't think HQ would like that.''

Miko got up and preceded to grave some blankets in the front seat. ''Let's not worry about that now its 4 in the morning, her I brought blankets we can camp in the van for tonight we can worry about that in the morning.''

Five was too tired to argue.

''Ok'' was all he said while both of them hunkered down for the night.

''Miko'' Five whispered

''yha'' offered Miko.

''You're a good friend''

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