A Very Bad Sign

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They have been traveling for about four hours and had run out of snacks ages ago.

Miko sat in the driver's seat not needing to drive because of the built-in autopilot. She was playing a game on her Hinobi brand portable console which she already beat five times already.

Five was beside her looking out the window. It started snowing not long ago and already there was a thick blanket of snow starting to cover the road. It was unnerving, seeing how fast something like a forest could be consumed by such a fragile element.

Glancing over his shoulder and reading 7:11 Five sighed. How come they couldn't just teleport there? Oh right, Mitch switched his van with a broken portal gun for our functional one! They were already two hours in when they had the idea but just received a voice message From Mitch saying how he was more important and valuable to the team.

Suddenly a beeping sound jolted Five out of his thoughts.

"What's wrong?" Asked Five

"We're low on gas hafta make a pit stop, finally!" Said a happy looking Miko

she had been persisting about that ever since that ran out of snacks.

"Alright but only to fill up and then can get the documents back to Phill"

Five said with a hint of worry in his voice

"Chill Five'er we still got plenty of time, Phill can wait"

About ten minutes later they arrived at a gas station. Miko and Five both got out and got some snacks as well as a game Frome the small gaming section. They both got a bite to eat and filled their thank.

Once they were back on the road it was starting to get dark."What'ya thinks in the documents Phill wants us to get" Miko asked Five "Don't know but it must be something important".

"Well y'ha if he was so paranoid about it that he divided on sending us out to get it" Miko tilted her head while thinking out loud.

They had swapped seats after stopping at the gas station so they could each take breaks watching the road. Seeing something through the snow in the distance Five squinted trying to get a better look. Only to see that it was coming closer at an alarmingly fast rate.

"Five!" Miko said alarmed

Not having time to think with the object coming alarmingly fast towards them Five made a swift turn on the steering wheel only to have the object crash right into the side of the Hinodi van.

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