Chapter One

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Hazel looked out of her bedroom window, the air was cool and walking down the street everyone was tucked up in thick coats. She could hear the endless chatter of patrons to the Mystic Grill below the awning protecting them from her view. She ran her fingers across the windowsill she could feel the dip across the cracked paint. This was her favourite view across the square the grass centre and wide pavements dotted with benches, each a memorial for past members of the community.

                She heard a loud crash as someone below dropped a glass and a small cheer went up in the air. Hazel walked across her bedroom to her vanity and sat in front of the mirror. She applied her red lipstick and ruffled her golden waves. She loved the feeling of hair the smoothness and volume gave her confidence that even a red lip couldn't compare to. She turned her face to the left and double-checked she was ready for the ball.

                Hazel grabbed her purse and walked down the stairs her masquerade ball gown flowing behind her, she could feel it catch on the rough wood steps so lifted it as best as she could. She opened the door at the bottom and passed through. As the door banged shut, she stopped and shook her dress out. The skirt of the dress flowed against the ground, she felt like a princess. It was a deep emerald tone off the shoulder. It collected into a heart neckline that was embroidered with lace. The lace matched the green perfectly and looked like it had spilled over the skirt of the dress before the satin took over.

                She got in her car and took her black court heels off and flung them on the passenger seat. She started the engine and drove towards the Lockwood's estate. The closer she got the more the excitement built up, she was meeting Lucas from her History class. The traffic slowed as everyone was busy finding a spot to park, Hazel found a spot and reversed in.  She slipped her shoes on grabbed her purse and looked inside, she had a black lace mask in there somewhere. When she found it, she put it on and checked her reflection. It was so striking against her pale complexion, she checked her red lip and got out of the car locking it behind her and putting the keys in her purse.

                Hazel walked up to the large house and slipped inside with a crowd of seniors from school. She looked around and wandered around, everything looked so exquisite. She was in awe at all the stunning gowns worn by the party. Caroline Forbes was in a gorgeous one-shouldered red gown; she held a gold mask up to her face. Hazel waved in her direction and Caroline dropped the mask to her side before waving her over.

                'I'm looking for Lucas have you seen him?' Hazel asked.

                'No sorry, I know his friends were at the grill earlier, maybe he's running late. I've got to go.' Caroline said before moving through a set of double doors.

                Hazel continued to circle the party nodding at acquaintances, waving at friends. She noticed Bonnie looking concerned and Stefan looked worried too. She checked in her purse for her phone and checked to see if she had any messages. Nothing. She looked up and saw Elena outside dancing with Stefan. He still hadn't overcome the worried look. She watched them dance and then looked down at the end of the line of dancers and saw Lucas. He was dancing with some sophomore. He twirled her around and then kissed her. Hazel watched as he pulled his dance partner away from everyone else and walk in the gardens together. She could see them stop and kiss again before the girl pushed him towards a bush and it got intense. Hazel looked away, disappointed, she had saved up for this dress.

                Her mum had only moved her here recently and Lucas was one of the only people she truly knew. The betrayal hurt, she started to leave when a hand was held out to her Bonnie and Jeremy had seen it, they grabbed her gently and they started to dance to the music. Hazel smiled and danced with them. She didn't feel up to it and the crowd of unknown faces made her miss her old school.

                'You okay?' Bonnie asked just as the song ended.

                'Yeah, thank you. I think I'm ready to go, I'll see you at school.'

                'Okay, get home safe.' Jeremy said.

                Hazel walked back into the large house and crossed the foyer to the front doors she stopped for a quick natter with someone from her History class. She said her goodbyes when she noticed twenty minutes had passed and walked to her car. Elena Gilbert was ahead of her on her phone. She wasn't in her gown she was in a pink sweater, that was odd, why get changed to go home. She shook the thought away and then saw a tall figure step behind Elena, Elena turned just as the man put his hand over her mouth and pulled her into the car next to them.

                'Hey! Let her go,' Hazel shouted.

                The man turned back around and punched Hazel to the side of her face, she dropped to the ground and lost consciousness.

She woke up her head pounding, she was freezing and she was desperate to go to sleep. She opened her eyes and saw Elena Gilbert in the car next to her unconscious. She had been kidnapped too; her breathing hitched in her throat she was gasping for breath. She couldn't focus, she shook Elena by the shoulder but it didn't wake her.

                She heard the crunch of wheels as a car parked next to them. The guy who kidnapped us got out of the car and walked over to the newly parked car. She tried to wake Elena; this was there chance while the man was distracted.

                'Where is she?' a man asked.

                'In the trunk, I did exactly what you said.'

                'Good, put her in the back.' The first voice said.

                Hazel heard the footsteps and the trunk lid opened. She saw the man who had kidnapped her and she swung her leg up ready to kick him in the face. He grabbed her leg and swung her out of the car. She landed awkwardly the stones on the ground pressed into her and she could feel bruises forming. The man went back to the trunk and moved Elena into the other car trunk.

                'And the other one,' the man in the second car called.

She was lifted into the air with ease and thrown in the trunk. She hit her head on the floor and nearly lost consciousness. The trunk was shut and she heard footsteps.

'Thank you for your help' the first man said

'Is there anything else?'

'One more thing, come closer, please.'

The window rolled down as the second man said 'Closer' She heard the man struggle and fall to the ground. The car drove off, she tried to wake Elena again to no avail. The drive took hours, if only she had her phone.

Finding Hazel -Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now