Chapter Nine

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Hazel perched herself on the window sill looking out over the town square. She looked up just as the clouds released the full moon. Her mind wandered to her mum and pack. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine how it would look in wolf form. Vague pictures flashed through her mind of being closer to the ground she wondered how the ground would feel with paws.

She contemplated her own werewolf and witch heritage, she wanted to learn everything possible. It made her feel more confident in herself knowing that she wasn't just human and one day when the spell was broken, she would be able to protect and do good. She picked up her phone and called Stefan, it rang three times.

'Hazel, you okay?' Stefan asked.

'Hi. Yes. Sorry, its late isn't it. I wondered if we could talk soon, I have some questions.'

'Sure, we are busy t-' Stefan started.

'We're are having a dinner party tomorrow, bring booze,' Damon said and he hung up.

Hazel looked down at her phone before getting ready for bed, the last few weeks had been exhausting and she fell straight asleep.

Hazel stepped out of the shower and dried herself. She turned on her laptop and put her playlist on. You know that feeling, when you press shuffle and the best song to dance to comes on, this is how Hazel felt. She grabbed her clothes and danced around her bed while slipping into her navy skater dress with long sleeves and a leather jacket. Her mood boosted and she played the song again she showed off all her dorky dance moves to the full-length mirror. By the end of the song, her hair was a mess. She pulled her brush through her hair and did a quick makeup look. She put her red lipstick on and flicked her eyeliner before leaving for the Salvatore boarding house.

Hazel knocked on the door, she clutched a bottle of red wine tightly around the neck. She hears a whoosh and looks over her shoulder and sees Elijah appearing. She jumps and drops the bottle; he goes as if to catch it but Hazel shudders and he steps back.

'My apologies, I didn't mean to cause any distress,' Elijah said.

Hazel kneeled down to pick up the large pieces of glass.

'Leave it,' Elijah said as he took the pieces from her and placed them on the porch before handing her his handkerchief to mop up the wine off her fingers. She noticed a cut on her index finger she put her finger to her mouth and cleaned the cut. Damon opened the door and smiled at her.

'Good evening,' Elijah said.

'Thank you for coming. Please, come in,' Damon replied

'Just one moment. Can I just say that if you have less than honourable intentions about how this evening is going to proceed, I suggest you reconsider.'

'No, nothing, nothing dishonourable. Just getting to know you.'

'Hmm. Well, that's good,' Elijah said he motioned to Hazel to go walk in first.

Hazel walked into the house; behind her, she could hear Elijah talking.

'Because, you know, although Elena and I have this deal, if you so much as make a move to cross me, I'll kill you and I'll kill everyone in this house. Are we clear?'

'Crystal,' Damon replied.

Hazel quickly walked to the bathroom; she forced a smile as she passed Jenna. She got there quickly and locked the door behind her. She waited for her finger to stop bleeding by pressing toilet paper to it firmly then dried the wine off her boots. Hazel took one last look in the mirror before walking into the dining room.

'Well, as I mentioned to Jenna earlier, a faction of settlers migrated from Salem after the witch trials in the 1690s. Over the next hundred years, they developed this community where they could feel safe from persecution.' Elijah said.

Hazel took the last seat next to Elijah.

'Hmm. Because they were witches,' Jenna said.

'Yeah, but there's no tangible proof there were witches in Salem,' Andie said.

'Andie's a journalist. Big on facts,' Damon said.

Hazel looked down the table there was a cloud of tension pressing against the vampires and Elena. She could feel it wrapped tight around her, she held her fork awkwardly so that it wouldn't press on the cut. It was uncomfortable and she felt awkward eating in front of them all. She saw Elijah glance at her hand holding the fork. He bit his thumb and dropped a few drops of blood into his glass of wine, covertly. He handed her the glass of wine and nodded at her to drink it.

Hazel looked at him in horror, she didn't know if Jenna, John and Andie knew what they were and she didn't want to make a scene, she shook her head at him.

'It will heal that for you,' Elijah whispered.

Hazel looked down at the wine and took a sip, she felt queasy as she watched her finger heal. She looked up at Elijah in bewilderment, he smiled at he before returning to the conversation.

'Well, the lore says that there was this wave of anti-witch hysteria. It broke out in the neighbouring settlement, so these witches were rounded up. They were tied to stakes in a field together and, uh, burned. Some say you could hear the screams from miles around us. They were consumed by the fire. Could you pass the-' Elijah said.

'I wouldn't repeat this to the Historical Society,' Jenna said.

'It's starting to sound a little like a ghost story to me,' John said.

'So, why do you want to know the location of these alleged massacres?' Damon asked.

'You know...a healthy historian's curiosity, of course,' Elijah replied.

Hazel drifted away from the conversation; she went back in her memories to the last time Elijah had fed her his blood. He had been helping her, she thought back to the twisted thoughts of him forcing his blood down her throat. He had been there when she didn't think she would survive. The thoughts overwhelmed her, the fear and judgment faded. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2020 ⏰

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