Chapter Three

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Hazel got up and used the banister to help herself down the stairs, she felt stronger. Her head had stopped hurting, the aches were gone. She looked down at the small watch on her wrist she was late for her shift and had no way to tell them. She got to the front door and opened it slowly, there was no car in the drive. She looked around to see if there was anyone about, it was quiet, she was alone.

She followed the drive down to the road, she slipped off her shoes and carried them and started to follow the road. Her thoughts went back through the last day. How had the man been able to whack Trevor's head off, how could he survive a stake to the chest and why did she heal after drinking his blood? Most important, was Elena safe. She followed the road no cars passed her, there were no houses, there was nothing. This continued deep into the night, to the point where even if there was a house beside her she wouldn't see it unless there were lights on.

She was so thirsty and hungry and tired. Her legs ached from walking her thighs chafed against the dress. Every step she took was shorter in length. Just as dawn cracked, she found a field with a towering tree in it. She needed rest, she took the last few steps she had in her to get to it and she lay against it and fell asleep instantly.

She woke up cold, her throat felt like sandpaper her stomach felt hollow. The aches were so strong. She looked down at her watch, it had been forty-eight hours since she had, had anything to drink and that had been a soda, the blood didn't count. She closed her eyes and when she woke up it was dawn. She desperately needed to keep moving.

Hazel made her way back to the road and continued walking; it wasn't long before a black car pulled up next to her. She was so relieved and got into the car. She looked up at the driver, she was so grateful. Her vision was slightly blurred but the driver seemed familiar.

'Thank you,' she whispered.

She fell back into the seat and flung her shoes in the footrest; she closed her eyes. She felt the driver fasten her seatbelt; she could smell his cologne. Then a jacket was placed over her. She fell asleep, but was awoken too soon by the driver, he gently woke her up and pointed at the convenience store.

'Water,' it was all she could say, even the word pained her.

Moments later the driver was back with two bottles of water, he handed them to her and went back into the store. She opened the first bottle and skulled it in one go. It soothed and burned her throat at the same time, she choked on the last gulp and spluttered it all over the car. Her vision had cleared and when she looks up, she saw the man who had fed her blood. He was holding a carrier bag.

'You-' Hazel said.

'I won't hurt you; you have my word. I'm Elijah.' He said while handing her the grocery bag.

Inside she saw a chicken salad sandwich and quickly opened the box and bit into it, the hunger outweighed her fear, she tore through it savagely. When she had finished it, she grabbed the second bottle of water and took a long sip. Elijah handed her another sandwich and a fruit salad pot from the carrier bag and waited outside the car for her to finish. He was courteous enough not to watch her demolish the food. After the fruit pot, she took another swig of water. As her thirst and hunger were sated the fear started to creep up on her again.

She grabbed the door and pushed it open, in a second Elijah put his hand out and helped her up. She could hear her heartbeat hammering so loudly, she could feel the pulse on her neck. He looked at her, his head tilted down slightly his eyebrows turned in, he felt concerned for her. She let go of his hand and stumbled a few steps away.

'Thank you, I can make my own way,' Hazel said, taking another step back.

He looked up at her, his eyes bore into hers. They were soft, they showed his concern but they were also the eyes of her nightmares dark brown, cold, distant.

'That won't be necessary, I have one stop before I will surely have to return to Mystic Falls. Let me help you, I insist.'

Hazel shook her head and took another step back, 'no.'

He took a step towards her, before stopping he had changed his mind. He turned and picked up her shoes, his jacket and the carrier bag.

'At least take these, there is a bus stop nearby. May I at least escort you there?' Elijah asked.

'No, I appreciate this,' she said taking the bundle from his arms, she tried to hand the jacket back. 'I remember what you did, I remember what happened. Please just leave me alone,' her voice broke and she felt a tear slide down her face.

Elijah stepped back, he held his hands up and made his way back to his car. 'Keep the jacket, for me, please. I owe you that at least.' He got in his car, started the engine and took one last look at her before driving off.

Finding Hazel -Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now