Chapter Two

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They finally stopped, the man opened the trunk and picked up Elena.

'Follow me,' He said.

She shook her head. 'Please-'

He interrupted her by moving Elena's weight into one arm and slapped Hazel. He moved Elena's weight back across both arms and walked into the old house, Hazel followed.

She followed the man up the stairs, he dropped Elena on the couch and started to untie her bonds. Elena was conscious and giving the man a dirty look.

'What do you want?' Elena asked. Her eyes were gleaming with unshed tears,

'Ssh,' The man responds.

'Please, I'm hurt.'

'I know. Just a taste.' The man said as his eyes turned scarlet and black veins popped up beneath his eyes.

'Trevor! control yourself.' A woman said across the room.

Hazel looked up in front of her was a petite woman with hair just above her shoulders, she had beautiful eyes, which were fixated on Elena. She was stuck her body couldn't move the shock of everything had built up inside her and all she could do was watch the scene before her.

'Buzzkill,' Trevor said as he moved away from Elena and leaves the room.

'What do you want with me?' Elena asked her voice low and weak in the expansive room.

'Oh my god, you look just like her,' the woman said.

'But I'm not. Please, whatever you-'Elena said before being interrupted by the woman firmly.

'Be quiet!'

'But I'm not Katherine. My name is Elena Gilbert; you don't have to do this.' Elena said as she got up from the couch and walked towards the woman.

'I know who you are, I said be quiet.'

'What do you want?'

The woman slaps Elena so hard she is thrown onto the couch unconscious.

'I want you to be quiet,' the woman said before looking down at Hazel, her lips lifted into a smile. Hazel was frozen, she could hardly breathe. The look in the woman's eyes terrified her. The woman grabbed Hazel and brought her up to full height before crashing down against her neck. Hazel felt the puncture wounds and could hear the sucking of her blood. She thought she would pass out any second when the woman let her go.

'Stay with Elena, don't move from this room. Or I will kill you,' the woman said before following Trevor downstairs. Everything was too much the bloodless and head injury; she fell to the floor unconscious.

Hazel can hear muffled voices around her, she still hasn't gathered the strength she needs to fully awaken. She can feel her head pulsating from the pain. She hears three loud knocks further away before being dragged back into the darkness.

'I beg your forgiveness,' Trevor said.

'So granted,' a new voice says his voice is calm almost sinister.

Hazel opens her eyes just as the man smacks Trevor's head off, it bounces across the room. How can someone be so strong, why had the woman drunk her blood, what's happening? Her ears ring from the pain in her head she can see the man and Elena talking. She tries to control her breathing, tears stream down her face, the pain is so strong. She can see the man almost in shock from whatever Elena has told him, he grabs Elena and walks out of the room.

Hazel calms knowing she is alone; she uses all of her strength to sit up. She rests her hands on her thighs and her ears slowly release her from the cloudy feeling. She can hear fighting and shouting and then a long scream and shots being fired. She used the couch to pull herself up but her legs gave way, she landed on the cushions.

She heard the sound of the front door opening and closing and then silence. She felt alone, she pushed herself up and shuffled past the body of Trevor she made it to the steps and stopped. Each step ached, it felt like her bones were scraping against each other to move, the emerald gown weighed her down. Her progress was slow, she needed to find Elena and escape. She searched all the rooms, quietly. Everything was still the house was in a bad state and it was empty. It was only when she made it to the last staircase to the front door. Did she someone, the man who had taken Elena, he looked up at her while yanking a stake out of his body. He should be dead; this shouldn't be happening. Where was Elena?

The man walked up to her and looked her straight in the eyes.

'Where is Elena?'

'I can't find her, she's not here. I think she left me,' Hazel said the tears started to roll down her face. She looked closely at the man and could see his skin colour change from a deep grey back to his original skin tone. Her breath hitched in her throat and she saw white bursts across her vision, she was unsteady on her feet and fell forwards. The man caught her and sat her down on the top step. He bit his wrist and blood pooled around the two puncture marks.

'Drink,' he said.

She pushed him away weakly, he forced his wrist against her lips and placed his other hand on the back of her head. She had no option; she drank the blood. It was warm and metallic and disgusting. He let her go, she wiped her mouth clean. He reached inside his jacket and released a handkerchief; he gently blotted her lips. Before standing up and leaving the house. 

Finding Hazel -Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now