Chapter Four

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Hazel watched the car drive off, she felt relief as soon as it was round the bend in the road and nowhere to be seen. She slipped her shoes on and the jacket, she put her hand in the front pocket and found a wallet, inside were hundred-dollar bills. She placed it back and walked towards the convenience store while wiping the tears away. She opened the door and was hit with a wave of heating. She quickly saw the cashier and walked towards him.

'Excuse me, where am I? Where is the bus stop?'

'Where yah going? Stops just across the road should be here in ten minutes. You'll be in Richmond in twenty,' the cashier said.

'Thank you ... Jack,' she responded looking down at his name badge. 'Is there a phone I can borrow?'

'Sorry, it's out of order, no signal for mobiles around here either.'

She nodded her thank and walked out of the store. She crossed the road and checked her watch. Then looked through the remaining supplies in the carrier bag. She found aspirin, another bottle of water, a Lucozade, baby wipes and a few more fruit pots.

She took a wipe and cleaned her face and arms as best as she could, she was desperate for a shower. She put the used wipe in the trash can and stuck her hands in the jacket pockets to stay warm.

The bus arrived on time and she walked up to it while grabbing the wallet from the inner pocket of the jacket. She checked and saw the three notes, the coin section was empty. She handed the one-hundred-dollar bill to the driver.

'Richmond please,' Hazel asked.

'Got anything smaller? I ain't got enough change,' the driver said.

Hazel shook her head and pressed the note into the woman's hand. 'I just need to get out of here.'

The woman nodded and handed her a ticket. Hazel struggled with the gown and pushed herself into a seat and watched as the countryside slowly emerged into Richmond. She got off the bus at the station and used a map inside to figure out the way to the train station. She planned her route and started walking, on her way she noticed a cheap clothing store and walked in. She grabbed a pair of dark jeans, a light grey sweater and the cheapest pair of flats. She paid and asked if she could change into them.

'Bad one nightstand?' the assistant asked.

'Something like that.' Hazel said.

She changed quickly and folded the gown as best she could, it was in bad shape the lace had fallen the skirt was ripped, it smelt. She passed a trash can and placed it in. She was sad to leave it; it had taken her breath away and she had saved for weeks for it.

She turned a corner and ran straight into Elena Gilbert. She looked shocked. She could hear screaming in the parking lot next to them. The woman from the house ran around the corner after and grabbed Elena.

'Wait, it's Hazel, Rose,' Elena said breaking free from Rose's grip.

'Hazel, what are you doing here?' Rose asked looking down at her, she was drowning in a man's jacket.

'I'm trying to get home, I got-'

'Hazel, we left you. I'm sorry, I didn't think.' Elena said gasping as it came back to her.

'What do you mean we left her?' Rose sniped.

'She tried to stop the man from kidnapping me, they took her as well. I left her unconscious upstairs. I forgot I was so scared, I couldn't think. I'm truly sorry. How did you get here? Elena asked tears started to float into her eyes.

'Walked, lift and a bus,' Hazel said.

'We have one-stop and then we're going back to Mystic Falls come with us.'

Hazel nodded and followed them to an apartment block. Wait down here, we won't be long. Next door was a small café, she slipped inside and ordered a strong coffee and pastry. She watched as the customers around her came and went she became completely absorbed in the people around her. A cup clattered against the counter making Hazel jump. She looked down at her mug and went through the few memories of Rose she had. She had bitten her, it was her. She started to shake; she had left Elena upstairs with her alone. She checked her watch it had been hours since they had left her, it only felt like twenty minutes. She got up and left some change from the clothes shopping on the table and ran to the apartment building next door.

Three men walked into the apartment building and Hazel caught the door, she kept well behind them and went up the stairs. The men were gone now, she checked the next door up and could hear Elena's voice. She walked down the corridor and felt a breeze go by her.

'There's nothing here for you,' she heard Damon say, when did he get here.

In front of her, she sees a man push one of the men over, and move into the room faster than possible. She felt a breeze as Rose vanished from behind Elena and Damon. She stayed against the wall watching in horror.

'I killed you. You were dead,' Damon said, Hazel could see the shock in his eyes.

'For centuries now,' she recognized Elijah's voice. Elijah turned to the two men left. 'Who are you?'

'Who are you?' One of the men asked.

'I'm Elijah.'

'We were gonna bring her to you. For Klaus. She's the doppelgänger. I don't know how she exists, but she does. Klaus will want to see her,' the man replied, his voice seemed to shake, his eyes widened.

'Does anyone else know that you're here?'


'Well, then, you have been incredibly helpful.' Elijah said before grabbing their hearts out and dropping them casually to the floor. Then she felt a breeze and Elijah was gone. She looked up at Elena and Damon they seemed shocked too. How had he moved so fast?

'Elena,' Hazel said.

Elena looked at Hazel and shook her head, Damon grabbed Elena and pushed her out of the apartment leaving the three dead bodies.

Finding Hazel -Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now