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"This way is more efficient."

"This way is going to get us killed." his companion retorts, giving a hard glare on him. His eyes glued to the wavering hole on the wall. This must be it, his gut telling him so.

An exasperated sigh came from the boy claded in white, realising he have no more other way to back him down from his absurd idea.

"5 minutes. More than that, I'm leaving you."

A smile appeared on his face as he dodge from the attempt of hug from him. "Get your ass down there already!"

"Thank you, Solar!"

His feet walking into the portal like hole, instead of moving forward like he expected, he got sucked downwards. Shrill scream filled the void and all he could remember after that was empty.

The warm basking sun that nestled on his face waking him from his deep sleep.

Sleep, he capable to do that?

His eyes flutter open and look at his surroundings. Green, brown, blue... He shift to his side in the lying position on the ground. Fingers feeling the long, dusty texture of the plant.

"This is... how real grass feels like I suppose?" he mumbles. Soon after, a kick was sent to his back and he flinched, rolling around and stood up, holding a fight stance. They share the same frown on each other and he lower his guard. "Solar...?"

"Yes, genius." he snorted, giving him an incredulous look. "I told you to do your homework, Taufan. And you're slacking here? Stop being a lazy thot and  do something useful for once!" he nagged, pinching the temple of his head.

"Yes, that's him alright." Taufan rolled his eyes, even in a partial world like these, some things won't change, huh?

"So this is how it's looks like,"

The world he use to live were nothing as like the scenery before him. The vast blue sky held mighty above them, the smell of earth below, stretched field lie before him along the sound of welcoming laughter of children playing tag, running and smiling.

Just like in a storybook.

"Earth." he whispered, intoxicated with the view before him. Even stories are real, once ago.

"Well, yeah. Are you back from Jupiter or something?" Solar asked, his arms folded over his chest. The Taufan before him, is still blue and all, yeah but... "Is that barcode on your neck?"

Ah, his mission.

"You should have given me more time!" He retort, shouting at Solar. The poor boy flinched suddenly taking the account of the blame. "W-What-"

"Solar, I'm from the future, DON'T ASK YET, LISTEN TO ME FIRST!" The teen pursed his lips in an instant. Taufan continue, "Few years from now, there will be a war and everything will be dead but you're not be a part of it."

Dead? Solar frown deepened, somehow shivers sent down to his spine. Taufan stomping towards him, shorten the gap in between.

"Whatever you do by now, please."

At this, his hand clasping to his arm tight. Hue of grey clashed with blue. His breath holding sharp in his throat at the suspense this supposedly silly Taufan is creating.

"Please, never sell that machine."

He pulled his hands away from his arm. Solar smiled, at him shooking his head slowly. "What kind of twisted fate... you're going to make him shook."

He is back now, in this metallic lab room.

Metallic Earth.

"I hope what you did was right." Solar said, his eyes gaze on the empty wall beside them. Few minutes from now, Taufan will get dismantled to pieces and fed by the hyenas, and him?

Probably worse and he can guarantee that.

"This is for the best."

"W-what do you mean?"

"You telling me I'm from the future and war and death and machine- DON'T TELL ME, THE LEGENDARY SOLAR HAVE BEEN POSSESSED?"

A loud thump receive flat on his head and the latter rolling around on the grass, whimpering in pain.

"You're the possessed one here dimwit." he sighed, pulling him up. He touched his neck. "Where's your barcode tattoo? I thought you just have them?"

"P-PERVERT!" A slap.



That's it. Crap future and war. He's going to kill this brat this instant-

"Oh yeah, how about your memory machine? Maybe we could let that tried on you and see who actually got possessed?" Taufan changed the topic, his interest always changing from one to another and he wonder, if just now is another prank of his.

"The machine can only record memory from the present and let you get into it in future later. So no point on that, I assure you." he fixed his glasses up to the bridge of his nose. The latter sighed, muttering 'pervert' and he kicked the dust to his face leaving him coughing.

A prophecy from the future.

He glance at the coughing boy.

"There will be a war and everything will be dead."

"But I'm not be a part of it."


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Taufan from the future came to alert Solar from the past by using the memory machine he created years back. It's kind of a time machine but instead you can only go back to where a memory has been recorded. Solar in the past might've recorded this as it might be a vital memory to him. Few years later, the world is breaking apart and for the needed to survive, he sell his machine. A war happen not long after that, resulting to deaths of many. He wasn't a part of it (just like what he was told).

Now in future, no one is allowed to have a memory making them a living asset that live only to work. Except for this two dorks, violating the law and breakthrough a lab where his old machine resided in. They alerted the past as their last hope to change the future.


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