chapter 1

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Namjoon is a pirate. The most vicious one at that. And he takes great pride in it. All around the seas he is known as RM, and whoever learns his true name is sure to die. He only uncovers his true identity to people who will die by his hands.

Namjoon sighs. He's bored. He's in need of more recruits, but absolutely hates recruiting them. The bar they usually come from is a brown pub, and the owner is absolutely annoying. His name is Choi Zhang. An old, fat Chinese piece of shit. The guy always nags at him to buy his girls, but Namjoon knows the girls he provides are shady and bring diseases.

"Ay Jackie" Namjoon calls Jackson. "I'm going to take a breather from this shit. Recruit some more, will ya!"

"Mister RM, would you like to have a rest with my Mina here? She's new, and still untouched

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"Mister RM, would you like to have a rest with my Mina here? She's new, and still untouched. I know you like them fresh." Choi approaches him again, and tugs a girl standing next to him. The girl, not older than 12, tries to open Namjoon's pants and seduce him in the middle of the pub.

Namjoon yanks her hands away. "Watch what you do, slut. Choi, this proves she aint untouched man. Don't ever try to pull a stunt like this again, ya hear that? I'll make sure never to recruit from here again." "Very well. I also hope, Mr. RM, that you'll find someone who will satisfy you. You should know I am the only 'selling provider' in the area." Choi teases.

"Ah. My dear Zhang. I hope you quit your teasing techniques; it makes everyone around you sick. Goodbye now." Namjoon turns around and leaves the establishment without another word. Mr. Zhang is disappointed. He is trying to sell his girls off to RM for the past 3 years, but RM always refuses. Not that he doesn't fuck them, but he just never buys the girls. Zhang always tries to sell the girls he wants to get rid of. And selling brings more money than just kill them off.

"I want to take a walk." Namjoon thinks. He decides to walk around the large city, exploring the darker parts where even pirates rarely come. He passes trough alleys with trash, walks through what seems to be a recent murder, but not that anyone cares about a prostitute murder anyways. He walks and walks until he is at the other side of the city where he knows of another establishment. "I need a good fuck. Hope she has that today."

He enters the pub, and makes his identity known, whilst ordering a beer.

"My dear RM. How are you daddy?" The owner of the pub, Miran, says. Miran seems to be a pretty girl, and if you wouldn't know better, a desirable one. Namjoon made the biggest mistake ever fucking her. She was so lazy. Her moans so pitched and fake... He shudders at the thought of fucking her again.

"Hello Miran. I'm just fine. Looking for a fuck to take with on the ship though. Can you help me with that?"

"Ah. It's like that huh. But I thought pirates don't take women on their ship?"

"They don't. That's the problem. I just can't do another 6 months on the ship without a fuck. You know I'm too much a master for that." "A master indeed. Say, how would you like to tame your new pet? I have someone truly unique for you." "How unique are we speaking?" "I have a...boy. Truly untouched. He's in dire need of a master. I'll show you." She says and motions for RM to follow her. He goes with her to the back room. There she has a cage with a little boy in. "Miran. This is a child. Do you think I want a child? He looks barely 10!?

Fucking hell, no one can be of use to me! Even you! What was I thinking coming here when the sex you offer is so fucking boring and you are so plain? Bitch!" He hits her. His fist punches her jaw, knocking some teeth out. She screams. He pulls her hair, until her scalp is bloody. She cries uncontrollably. He punches her head. Over and over again. Uses her like a punching bag. The adrenaline is rushing through his body. He laughs. At this point she is unconscious. He doesn't stop. Not until he is yanked off her by a few employees that came through the back door. RM just now sees Miran laying on the floor. She's definitely dead. Her eye boxes are opened by his fists, and her right eye hangs out, no longer round. "FUCK!" he screams, lunging at the men. "No one can know about this. Do you dudes hear that? I'll fucking kill you and eat your heart. I am RM. Keep that in mind." He threatens the scared-to-death employees and walks away.

He takes a deep breath and finds his calm again

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He takes a deep breath and finds his calm again. "Been to damn long since I killed someone. Felt so good."He thinks, and walks back to the port where Jackson is still recruiting in Mr. Choi's pub. He enters the loud pub. Once they realize that he's inside, the hole pub becomes quiet. They see RM's blood drenched clothes, and calm rage. Only Jackson knows how to handle this. "Boss. I have enough recruits. Am I allowed to take them back to the ship?" He asks, carefully not to say anything about the bloodied man standing before him. "Ah yes. And tell Choi I need a good one. His best." "Ok boss. Will do boss." Jackson hurries away. Even though they are acquainted friends, he too knows to get away when RM is like this.

Jackson returns with Choi behind him. "Choi. Are there new arrivals tonight? And no funny games. I want the real thing." "I have a whole cargo. Follow me." Even Choi, who is usually never afraid, fears for his life right now. The fat man has never seen RM like that before. Now he understands the stories that go around about RM. He's a true monster. RM walks behind Choi, feeling creepily calm with all the blood on his clothes. They enter the special room for arrivals. It is filled with cages. Full of young girls and boys. "Take a look, RM." RM walks through the aisle filled with cages, looking at the features of each girl. He talks out loud. "Too skinny. Too small breasts. Too young. Too fat. Ugly. Too slutty. Too scared. Damn Choi don't you have better?" "I still have boys. They won't bring bad luck on your ship." "I suppose that is true. And a boy is always something else." RM continues to look around the cages. He sees boys of all young age, that most elder men would love to have. But not him. He wants someone who complies all his demands and is not a kid. "I see you have a curtain there. What's behind it?" "I doubt it is to your liking, that one is a bit older. I'll show you." Choi moves the curtain and shows a bigger cage. Inside, is a man. Naked he lies on the floor of the cage, trembling from pain and fear, but still with a defiant look in him. "Hmm. A fine piece. Broad shoulders, feminine waist, thick lips. Probably late twenties. But what in hell did you do to him? He looks terrified. Only I can do that." "Forgive me, RM, but I needed to teach him a lesson after he came for me. He was simply too feisty. I only whipped him and let him do me. He is still a virgin." "Are you serious? That's exactly what I need. I'll take him. His initiation will be tonight." "That'll be 50.000 won." "40.000 and you have a deal." "Deal." Choi takes the money greedily and opens the cage, where the male now desperately wants to stay in. He knows of RM. "Not him. Please not him. Not that monster!" The slave shouts. "SHUT IT! I bought you, you're mine now. I am a monster. I know it and I love it. But call me that again and you'll wish you were dead." He yanks the male out of the cage, and quickly puts a new chain around his provided collar. "Pleasure to do business with you, Choi." "Pleasure is all mine, RM. Hope he can satisfy you until you give him death." RM walks back to the main pub, pulling a scared shitless slave behind him. The slave is still naked. Once in the main pub, RM sees that everyone of his crew is already gone and he walks back to the ship. The slave behind him. No words are said. 

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