chapter 3

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Surprise 2nd smaller update! some minor Namjin violence, but overall a normal chapter.


"Good pet. Thank yer master for yer breakfast." RM yanks his slave's face upwards, so he looks at his master with his cum smeared face. "Thank you for breakfast master. It was...good." He says with a pained face. The bruises hurt so much more hours after they are made. RM loses his grip at his slave's face and the slave stumbles back. "Good pet. Ye learned from yesterday. Off to me chambers now." RM says and pulls his own pants back up and ties his belt. He pushes the slave out of the pre-kitchen, before walking out himself.

"-and that was when he hang 'em from the yardarm and left the body there for a week. Mates, I tell ye, I've never wanted to walk the plank, but I wanted because of the damn smell. Ah mates 'twas unbearable." Jackson says to the newbies. He doesn't see RM coming, who is walking out the pre-kitchen, satisfied, and is now walking towards Jackson.

 He doesn't see RM coming, who is walking out the pre-kitchen, satisfied, and is now walking towards Jackson

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"Jack. Ar ye talkin' bullocks again? Ye know he deserved it. Called me a landlubber! Men! Is your captain a landlubber?" "No Captain. Y'r the most capable of em all boss." The new lads said, united but fearful for their new boss. Min Yoongi included.

"Good. Weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen. Heave ho!" RM shouts, to indicate they are going to leave for the seas today.

"Heave ho! Heave to! Heave ho! Heave to!" The men chant whilst putting the sails correctly, after taking in the anchor. Jackson walks up to RM again.

"Boss-o. What 'bout Seokjin?" RM is confused. "Seokjin? He one of the new lads?" Jackson starts laughing very hard. Suddenly, he feels a blade at his neck. He stops laughing. "Sorry cap. but do ye seriously not know who he is?" "Talk before I lose my patience Jack!" "Yer new...possession." "Ah. Ok. Good. Aye. I'll go now. Fine. Ye." RM mutters, embarrassed that Jackson now knows he didn't even ask his slave's name. He walks away, to the highest part of the ship, right above his chambers.

He looks at the ship. Sees the men busy setting sail. He steers the ship out of the port. "Jack!" "Aye cap?" "Take over the wheel, will ye. I still need 't have a word with mate Bang." "Aye cap." Jackson takes over the wheel and steers them into known sea with care. He knows the ship and its good and bad parts by heart. RM leaves the upper part with content and walks back to the kitchen. He enters.

"Cap in kitchen!" He shouts, to let the elder man know he's here

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"Cap in kitchen!" He shouts, to let the elder man know he's here. "Aye boy. Ye had me there. Sit down and say what's on yer heart Namjoon. Don't touch my kitchen tho." He says. He says Namjoon! Only when they're totally alone though. Why? Who knows how they know each other, the men only know that Bang has always been there. He's a real seadog. "Si-hyuk-ssi. Now that we're off to the 7 seas again. Are ye up to it? All respect, but yer gettin' older. Yer food isn't the best anymore. Sorry to not have asked before we set sail." "I'll do my best Namjoon. I always do. Ye know that. I need to feed this vicious captain, don't I? Besides, I heard somethin' from the lad who was in the pre-kitchen this early mornin'." "My new friend?" "Aye. Before ya came in, he was tellin' the new Min lad about his cooking history. Can he work with me sometime?" Si-hyuk is hopeful. When the lad works with him, he can hopefully recover from RM. That's what he hopes. He practically raised Namjoon as a teen, but he absolutely hates the way he is about sex. Si-hyuk is still from the romantic pirate age. In his days he was all about having a regular girl who he kept frequenting. Si-hyuk is careful not to mention anything he hears happening between the pirate and his Seokjin. He heard it all though. The nightly escapades, and the morning 'greeting' in the kitchen. "He's still not straightened out enough. Can't trust 'm yet to not kill anyone off when I release his collar. Maybe. I'll need to train him some more first." "Thanks for thinkin' 'bout it RM." He answers when Jackson enters the kitchen. "Ahoy. 'v got a question RM." "Speak it." "We're in the yellow sea now. Wind is good. Where to cap?" "Let's explore the Indian seas for a few months first. Then we can go to the northern seas next to the japs when it's getting warmer. I heard rumors of a new captain roaming the Indian seas, he's trying to overthrow me. Let's teach him a lesson mate." RM explains. "Aight cap." "But who is steering when you're here?" "Min. I recruited him for his steering talent. The pal is seriously good. Heard stories 'bout him comin' from a good sailormen family, but they got raided and he survived as a prisoner who was released at the nearest port because the lad was ill." "Ah. Need to keep an eye on that one then. Jackie. You too. If he's good, he's good, but he can never try anything against me or ye, ya hear that?" "Understood RM." "Well, excuse me mates, I'll be in my chambers. Need a small break, if ye know it." RM excuses himself and leaves the kitchen through the pre-kitchen. Jackson looks at Si-hyuk. Si-hyuk looks at Jackson. They both try to speak first. "He" "RM" are their words. "Ye first." Si-hyuk motions Jackson to speak. "Si-hyuk-ssi. Ye and I know that that needs to stop. He's gonna hurt our reputation and another person. From what I heard the mate he bought is talented and didn't exactly choose this life." Jackson continues. "Obviously the lad didn't choose it. Who chooses to be a slave? No one. And for RM, well... we're going to have to wait. We can't afford to lose our lives 'cause of speaking up 'bout it. I've feeling that lad'll be a good one. Might be a final one." "Ye think? I'll hold ye on yer word. I'll be off then." Jackson says and leaves the kitchen too. "Oh Namjoon, when'll ye lern..." Si-hyuk thinks and sighs.

Back to the chambers of RM, where a very pained slave sits in the wooden corner. "I'm back. Did ye miss me? Cause I dure did. I missed yer ass. Pity I'll have t' wait a few days before I can take ye again. Wouldn't want to kill ye so soon would i? I've intentions to keep ye alive long, pet. Yer so beautiful. Tell me. How come yer so pretty? Ye look a bit girly too." When Seokjin doesn't speak, RM lowers himself to Seokjin's level and kisses him harshly. It's Seokjins first kiss. RM bites his lip so hard that it starts bleeding instantly. "Speak when I tell ye to, pet." "I'm not tellin' the mate that I know his name." He thinks.

"M-my eomma was very pretty master

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"M-my eomma was very pretty master. My father loved her lots." "Ah. And where are they now ey? Yer here. All alone. I need an explanation." Seokjin is scared. "Why does he need to know? It doesn't matter, does it? It's not like I'm a free man anyways. Why does he want to know? Is he that interested in his possession? Look at me, I'm even referring myself as a possession. Pathetic. But aren't I? He's definitely handsome. If not for the rape, he would be a nice man. Sadly he's stuck as my horrendous master." Seokjin thinks. "Takes too long, pet. TALK!" RM becomes agitated. He slaps Seokjin's already overly bruised cheek. "T-they're dead master. Killed when they tried to break up a fight in our bar." RM smiles creepily happy. "You made master happy just now. How 'bout ye make me some more happy." He yanks the sitting man towards his crotch. He undoes his belt. "Take it out!" He orders poor Seokjin. Seokjin takes the dick out and instantly starts sucking it, swirling his tongue around it in hopes RM will like it and cum fast, so he leaves fast. As Seokjin hoped, it doesn't take long before he tastes the bitter cum and is left in the corner again.

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