Chapter 5

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The storm is here. It's bad. The ship is swinging to all sides. Loud creaks. The mast....

"THE MAST!" RM shouts, he's outside his cabin now. The mast breaks and hangs dangerously to the side. He panics. They've never had problems with the mast before. "JACKSON!" "Aye boss I'm here. Eottoke?" "Cut the mast off. We'll survive. We'll see how to sail further tomorrow. Try to keep the mast on the ship with ropes, make it tight. Maybe we can still use it." "Aye boss. I'll get the buccaneers do it now." Jackson tries to run off to give orders, but the wind is too dangerous. He takes hold on the side of the ship and continues to shuffle further like that. Once he's in the buccaneer quarters, he gives orders. "AVAST YE! Ye 'nd ye, take all the good rope ye c'n find! Ye and ye, find some axes. We're cutting the mast loose! 10 men will come with me, SAVVY?" "Aye undercap boss. Savvy!" The pirates shout. The 11 men get to work trying to save everyone's lives together with RM.

"CUT! CUT! CUT!" The men shout to match their cuts and keep up the moral in the dangerous environment. The waves are higher than the ship's mast would've been. A wave washes over the deck. "HELP ME! AAAHH NOOO" a mate shouts as he is flushed off the ship. "GEUMJAE! NO!" Yoongi shouts. But nothing can be done anymore. He's gone. The pirates don't have time to think about it, because they need to make sure everyone will survive this night. CRACK! The mast broke off completely now but crushes an elder pirate who couldn't get away. "WE DID IT! GO BACK TO THE HOLD NOW!" RM shouts. Everyone carefully tries to leave. Another wave. Another pirate gone. But there is no time to mourn. The pirates knew they were gambling with their lives when they got recruited. "Go in the hold, I'll come with you. RM's goin' back to his quarters." Jackson says over the sound of the waves.

RM crawls back to his room. He stumbles in and shuts the door tight, before collapsing. Seokjin, who is wide awake, panics seeing the state his master is in. "M-Master!" He hurries to RM. "Leave me! It's nothing!" "B-but master... your hand is bleeding badly." "As I said. It. Is. Nothing. I'm not weak. U-understood?" RM tries to come over dominant and leading but he's very hurt. He scoots over to his closet and pulls a rag out of it and tries to bind it around his hand. "Fuck why is this not workin'? This hurts like hell... should I ask the slave for help? No. It'll show 'm I'm not invincible. I need to be strong. Can't show weakness to no one! Fucking old wood! Why do I always get the big cuts?" He is thinking and cursing the ship in his mind. Seokjin wants to help, but he also doesn't think he should. Not until RM loses his balance and falls on his head when another big wave hit the ship. "AW FUCK!" RM shouts. Seokjin can't unsee it anymore and helps the male up. He pushes RM on the bed and bandages his hand quickly, to stop the wound from bleeding still. "What are ye doin'? Leave me alone! I'm your master, and I command you!" RM seethes with anger. Not at the slave, but at himself. He let his slave help him in his weak moment. He's weak... That's what he thinks. 

Seokjin keeps silent but continues to take care of RM's pains

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Seokjin keeps silent but continues to take care of RM's pains. SLAP! RM hit him with his good hand. In the storm he still finds the time to torment Seokjin. Just to prove to himself he's the dominant one. Seokjin holds his red cheek in his hand and looks at his master. He expected this. The previous gentleman is back in the corner of RM's mind. His tormentor is back. "So, he's stressed and unsure of himself as leader. And I'm the victim of that. Ok." He thinks. "Slut. What did I say? I said stop touching me! Do you need a lesson tomorrow?" RM spits out. "M-Master... a-m I really a slut?" Seokjin looks like a kicked puppy. "Aren't ye? Ye're a slut!" RM is mad but confused now. "Why does he seek an explanation for that? He knows he is. I know he is. Everyone knows he is. Why is he suddenly so bothered by it cuz' I said that? And why am I overthinking this?" RM wonders. "I'll leave you alone then. I'll go to Si-hyuk to sleep. Goodnight master." Seokjin softly says. He looks so hurt. He quickly walks out of the room. RM barricades it again. Exactly when Seokjin is in the hall the ship makes another turn. He falls right to the other side. He starts crying. "I can't do this anymore. I'm so sorry. This is no life...this is pure hell."

Bang Si-hyuk heard the thumping sound of the fall but doesn't think anything of it

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Bang Si-hyuk heard the thumping sound of the fall but doesn't think anything of it. Not until he hears the cries. "SHIT. Who's it?" He runs out of his cabin. He sees Seokjin lying against the wall on the hall's end. He sees blood. Lots of it. On Seokjin's hands, face, head,.. He rushes to the wailing male. "Seokjin. Snap out of it. Come with me, I can't carry you, but we need to leave here!" Seokjin looks up to his sunbae. "Bang-nim. Am I really a slut? Am I a lowlife whore?" He asks. Si-hyuk doesn't know what to say. They're in a dangerous situation and Seokjin asks this? "Seokjin-ah. Let's go inside. You're hurt." He says softly to soothe the other. He pulls Seokjin up with his bloody hand and puts him on the floor in his room. "I don't have water here, you'll need to cleanse that tomorrow." Si-hyuk mumbles whilst bandaging Seokjin's head. "He's still crying. What in Davy Jones' name did Namjoon do? He was talkin' about bein' a slut? Where does that come from now?" "Ay Seokjin-ah. Do ye want to talk 'bout it? We've all the time with this storm, ye know." He asks the younger. Seokjin looks at Si-hyuk. "I'm a terrible person. I disobeyed. I-I disobeyed him. My master. I'm supposed to listen. I hurt him." "What are you talking about Seokjin? Disobeying? Listening?" "H-he came in the cabin after cutting off the mast. He was hurt at his hand, and very rude to me. Then he tried to bandage his hand on his own and he fell on his h-head because o-of a wave. I hated it. To see him hurt. So, I bandaged his hand. Then he slapped me, because I disobeyed his order of not helping him. I'm used to it. B-but th-then he said..." Seokjin's voice cracks. "H-he said I'm a slut. Why? Because we have sex a lot? But I'm a loyal slave..." Si-hyuk looks baffled. It is way worse than he thought. "Seokjin-ah. You did well. You did very well. I'm really happy you helped our captain. You're not a slut. Most definitely not. RM's just very embarrassed because you saw him weak." "I'm not?" Seokjin looks up to Si-hyuk. "You're not. Now try to rest a bit. Sorry I don't have a bed..." Si-hyuk says. Seokjin lays on the floor.

"Poor boy...I'm so sorry I failed Namjoon as a caregiver..."

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