A/n: Apology and current status

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Hey there everyone! It's been a while, huh? First of all... I'd like to apologise to all of you for breaking a promise I made in the last chapter saying I would do a weekly update on this story. As soon as I said that, school decided "hey, let's give this kid like 10x more work". So I've been busy with that. And as you are all aware the virus has been a thing recently, and that's been stressing me out and not helping my mental state. So once again, I apologise for my lack of ability to carry this story on for a while.

I promise to you that by this time next week I will have a new part out, and will try and figure out a schedule for my writing, and try to improve the quality of the chapters, as I feel they have been lacking recently. So yes, the story will go on. I've just been trying to think about how I can make it the best story I can and salvage it from the slight mess I made. I do massively appreciate you guys sticking around for over 20k reads (which is ridiculous, and the main reason why I need to improve). And I hope you stick around if and when we hit 40k, 60k, and maybe at that rate we can become the number 1 toga himiko story? I mean a kid can dream, right?

Oh and before I forget, I've got a discord server in the works. Which means before long you'll all have a place to chat and hang out. So look forward to that.

I'm using this story as my gateway for any story I write as it has the biggest audience and all my followers will get it as well.

Once again, sorry for the wait, thanks for sticking around, and I will see you again before next Sunday. Bye all! Love you, you're the best. <3

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