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He shook it and smiled at me...

After a while, the rest had arrived and we all decided on who was doing what. Since our project was on sports, we decided that Nagisa and Kayano would go learn more about sports history in the nearby library while Sugino and Yukiko would go to the stadiums ( mainly because Sugino desperately wanted an excuse to go to the nearby baseball stadium ) and Karma and I would go learn more about today's sports teams. After we were done, we decided on where and when to meet and set off from there.

"So, (y/n), tell me more about yourself." I just stared at Karma. Does he really think I'm that stupid? "In case you forgot, you're the one that's supposed to find out about me. Not I'm supposed to tell you about me." I replied looking straight ahead. "Ok fine. Then just tell me regular stuff about yourself like what you would normally tell people when you introduce yourself." He said looking at me.
"I don't tell people anything besides my name. You already know my name."

"I'm sure you say more about yourself."

"I really don't. You can ask around."

"Ok fine then maybe just tell me your age or something. You know, I would know your age already so. It doesn't matter."

"Well if you know it already then why still ask?" I replied sniggering a little. Karma just stared at me. Visibly annoyed. "Ok fine." I said putting my hands up. "My name is (l/n) (y/n), I'm 15 this year ( if I remember correctly junior high third years are 15 :] ) my birthday is on (xxx) and I have an older brother." "Where were you born?" He asked. He seriously thinks I'm dumb. Wow. "I'm so not telling you that."

"Why not? Scared that it'll make it easier for me to find out more?"

"Scared? No. Making it easier for you to find out? Definitely. It's not my job to make it easier for you. In fact, I think it's the opposite. I should make it harder for you. Sorry." I said and winked. "Whatever.." mumbled Karma as we continued walking.

She's quite smart. But not as smart as me. She must've thought that I got nothing out of that conversation when in fact, I got quite a lot. The first time she came into class, she gave the bubbly, cheerful vibe. But now, she's really wary. She barely tells me anything about herself. And I don't think there's any use in trying to find out if she actually does or does not do a full introduction about herself. So, Judging from that I'm gonna guess that she's a naturally open girl...but, something must've happened. Otherwise she would never be that wary of anyone. And judging by her body, I'm gonna guess she played a sport? So I might be able to find out more about her...but what could've happened? Those thoughts were running through my mind as I walked alongside her. Fun.. I thought to myself as we neared our destination.

As we neared the sports hub, I had a longing feeling. I grew up in this place. With my friends, and teammates. I remember it, and I miss it. The Tokyo sports hub was where most of the national teams trained. Of course, this was only for the junior teams and not the adults. The adults had other stadiums and hubs to train at. As we entered the place, I inhaled deeply and smiled. This place feels so familiar.. "so, where do you want to go to first?" Karma's voice shook me out of my thoughts and I turned to look at him. "Uhh well I was kind of thinking divide and conquer. You know? You could ask some coaches and I could ask others, that way it'll be faster." I said as I smiled at him. "Oh sure..well which do you want to take?" He asked. "Oh well I'll take Table Tennis. What about you?" "Oh maybe Volleyball." Volleyball...coach.. I shook myself out of my thoughts. "Sure! Well, see you!" I said as I walked off.

Time skip
After I had spent quite some time trying to figure where on earth the volleyball court was, I gave up and decided to interview some other teams first. I managed to interview the Basketball team, Netball team and soccer team. Just as I was about to give up, I found the volleyball court! I walked in happily and searched for the coach. When she spotted me, she walked towards me. "Hello, what brings you here young man?" "Hi! I was just wondering if you could tell me more about the Volleyball team? Like maybe about your best years or your members?" I asked as I got my phone ready to begin typing.
"Well, let's see, our Volleyball team was always really great and it still is. We have really well trained and hard working members and we take pride in that. It is quite difficult to get into the team though, so the members you see here are the best of the best. Hmm oh! We did have this splendid girl a few years back. She was absolutely amazing. Really talented too. She was the captain of our team and let me tell you, we had never seen anyone bring as much glory to the team as she did. We won the games year after year! A really nice and encouraging captain too. I remember, all her members loved her. And to think that she was only 10 or 12 at the time."

"Oh wow. What happened? Is she still here?"

"No. Sadly. She had some problems and had to quit. Which was such a dismay. You could tell that she really loved volleyball and that was her passion. It was a shame honestly. If she hadn't quit, no doubt she would've been this year's captain still." The coach said as her eyes glistened. I could tell from the way the couch talked that this player was indeed extraordinary. "Wow, thank you so much for you time..coach?" "Ah coach Lia." She said and smiled. "Thank you for your time coach Lia. I'll be going now. Bye!" And with that I left.

Just as I had finished interviewing another team, I turned around only to be met by a certain red head. "Hey Karma. You done?" "Mhmm. And I just received a text. They want to meet back now." "Oh ok." I replied and we walked out of the hub. As we were walking Karma told me all about a certain volleyball team. I smiled to myself as I thought guess they're still going strong. "....so apparently there's this one super strong player but she left the team. Coach Lia said it was a shame." Oh Coach Lia! You flatter me. You still have an amazing and incredible team. I thought to myself as I smiled slightly. I missed them. I really really did. But there was nothing I could do. As we continued walking, we neared the meeting area which was actually a cafe. Karma texted them and found out that they were already inside waiting for us. We immediately rushed in.

Time skip
We had just finished sharing what we found and decided to sort it all out the next day. We had dinner, then each went our separate ways. As I reached my door, I said goodbye to Yukiko and took out my keys. My brother was still in the living room watching tv with Miya. We said our greetings and I went up into my room. As I entered, I went to my closet to take out the photo album that I haven't looked at in years. I flipped it open and there it was. My team. The team that brought me happiness, that made me laugh, that made my life so much better. My Volleyball team.

That night, I couldn't control myself. And I had it again. Another breakdown. I cried and cried and cried until I got too tired and the tears wouldn't cone out anymore. And still, my heart ached. As I thought about the life I lost, I slowly, but surely, drifted off to sleep...

That's another chapter you guys! I realise that I'm really late for this and I apologise sincerely, but pls know that right now, I'm still tryna get back into my school system because I'm going to school for one week and the next week I'm staying at home for online class. So it's been quite hectic for me. Hope you all understand. :) thank you so much for all your support so far though :)

It is currently 3.22pm and it's time for me to get some homework done :)

Have a great day everyone!

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