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Karasuma Sensei fell to the ground and the man started chuckling...

"I guess if you've uncovered my identity, it's already too late." Said the man as we all stared in shock.

"A poisoner eh? And quite skilled in practical apllication." Said korosensei.

As the man continued talking and boasting, i signaled every to start moving slowly to block the exits. "...neogotiations have broken down. Guess i'll have to tell my boss" he said. But, as he turned away he was shocked to see that Chiba, kataoka, Terasaka and Yūma were already blocking his way. As he turned to his right and left, he was left even more dumbfounded as he found that his exits had been blocked by everyone one of us, and he had no way out.

"When encountering an enemy..." Said Yūma,

"Immediately block their retreat path.." Said Kataoka,

"And cut off all communications..." Said Terasaka,

"Isn't that right, Karasuma Sensei?" Asked Yūma as i just smirked to myself. They definitely practiced that.

"The minute you saw us," Said Karasuma Sensei, as he was struggling to stand up. "You should have held off attacking, and gone back to tell your boss."

The man got worried, but tried to play it cool. He was going to attack Karasuma Sensei again, but Karasuma was faster. He kicked him before the man could do anything, landing him on the floor. But just as the man fell, Karasuma Sensei went down too.

After a while, Karasuma Sensei got up and we hid the man before continuing our journey. But as we walked, there was a sense of uneasiness. The same thing was going through our minds : What if we could not find the cure in time? What would happen if we could not defeat the pro awaiting us?

Just then, Korosensei said out loud "Man, it's really starting to feel like summer vacation isn't it?" At those words, everyone turned around and deadpanned.

"Well, aren't you a happy-go-lucky!"

"Says the one who is absolutely safe!"

"Nagisa, twirl him around till he's sick!"

Everyone shouted as I just started laughing. I took Nagisa's hand to stop him from twirling Korosensei and said, "Okay, Terasaka, i'm jamming him in. Shorts off and spread those cheeks!" After a while of talking, We made our way to the top. As we were walking, we stopped halfway when we saw a guy standing outside the door we were about to enter. He was strong and had blonde hair up until his shoulders.

Just as we were at a lost, and thinking about what to do, the guy smashed his hand on the glass behind him, causing it to break, and all of us to gasp in surpirse.

"If i can hear your footsteps, you're not strong enough for me hm. Supposedly some special- forces teacher was taking the lead too hm." He said as Karasuma Sensei grunted. "I guess Smog's gas must've gotten the better of him hm. Probably killed each other at the same time, hm. Come on out, hm."

As everyone walked out scared, i just said out "You sure say 'hm' alot buddy!" And everyone just stared at me with their mouths opened wide.

"I heard it would make me sound more like a samurai, hm." He said "It's got a cool ring to it too so i'm trying it out, hm."

He continued talking about killing us while at the same time cracking all his fingers, and as he talked, he started looking down on us which got me irritated. Just as he was about to call his colleagues to come kill us instead, i took something and hit his radio away, annoyed.

"Hey, buddy, hm. You're pretty average for a pro, aren't you? Breaking glass, busting skulls? I can do that, too. But if your opening move is to call in reinforcements, maybe you're too scared to take on a junior-high kid alone." I said as i smirked.

"No-don't be reckless!" Shouted Karasuma Sensei as Korosensei cut him off.

"His chin is down. Normally Karma walks with his chin up, showing off his swagger, looking down at his opponents. But now, his words may be as rough as ever, but he is alert, , and observing his foe head-on." Said Korosensei as all of us gasped in realisation while Karma got ready to fight.

Hey guys! It's your author here!

I'm just tryna upload whenever i can right now so yay :DD Hope you guys enjoyed today's chapter!! I'm trying to move out of this hotel scene as fast as possible because i actually have a scene i wanna do so ye :P so if thsi chapter seems kinda rushed or anything, i apologiseee :(( but, hopefully i'll be uploading more chapters from now on!

Also, sidenote. It makes me really really happy everytime i get a notification and it says ___ voted or ___ added this to their reading list. Yall have no idea how happy i am when i read those notifications. So please, continue adding this to your reading list and continue voting! Thank you all soso much!!!

It is currently 5.02pm, have a lovely rest of the day everyoneee! :DD

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