₊˚✧ 18

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Inosuke took a deep breath as he lunged towards the demon with his blades in the air. He had been running around trying to dodge it's attacks, but it had grown way too fast. Using a tree as a boost, he begins to perform his own counter attack.

"Second fang: Rip and Tear!" He yells as he slashes his swords against the demons neck. A metallic thud fills the air as they break into two, the metal falling onto the ground. The snap causes him to falter slightly, giving the demon enough time to grab him by the neck.

'They...snapped' He thinks to himself as he feels the huge hand tighten around his head. His dark hair sticks to his forehead as he begins to sweat. Everything hurt...he couldn't breathe. It's skin was way too hard to pierce, even with his nichirin blades. Gears turn in his head as he tries to think of a way out of this dire situation. The grip was too tight to slip out of, and there was no way punching the demon would do any damage. He winces as he lifts up his arms, and he tries to do one more attack.

"First fang: Pierce" He grumbles as he sticks the broken blades into the demons neck, and it doesn't even flinch. The beast roars as it tightens it's grip around the boys head. Insouke's arms grow limp by his side as he splutters, his eyes squeezed closed underneath his mask. It felt like he was drowning, and his brain was screaming for help.

A black haired woman stares down at the baby in her arms with tears in her green eyes. Her arms were shaking as she sits by the edge of the cliff, and she takes in a deep, shaky breath. Footsteps echoed behind her, and she sniffs.

"I'm sorry, Inosuke" She sobs as she opens up her arms, and the baby begins to plummet. The wind blows through his blanket as he falls, his small eyes still staring up at the woman.

"Don't die! Don't you dare die...live for me!" She cries as a hand shoots through her stomach and she collapses onto the cliff edge.

"Who are you?" Inosuke chokes out as he stares blankly at the hand wrapped around his head like a python. He had never seen that woman before in his life...yet she seemed so damn familiar.

The small girl shakes in his arms as he stuffs his face in her h/c hair. He hated to see her cry, and it made him feel even worse when he realizes it's due to a stupid dream. 

"What...are you doing?" She chokes out against his chest. He prays that she can't hear how fast his heart was beating, and he inhales the smell of her hair slightly. She smelt like roses and vanilla, intoxicating him.

"When you thought you lost me at Final Selection, you gave me a 'hug' and it made me feel better...so I thought it might help" He mumbles as she melts into his arms.

He clenches his teeth as memories flood through his head. Why did he have to think about her? Where was she? A scream leaves his throat as the demon throws him onto the ground, blood leaving his lungs as he coughs. The severed arm lands to the floor with a harsh thud as Inosuke frantically looks around. A man is stood with his back to the boy, his blade held lightly in his hand. His haori was a mix of different patterns, and he had long black hair that was tied in a ponytail.

"Holy shit" Inosuke coughs out as he watches the man rush towards the demon, not even breaking a sweat. Faster than a flash of lightning he cuts through the demons head as if it was just butter. 


(Y/N) feels a tickle on her nose as she wakes up, still slightly groggy. She crosses her e/c eyes slightly to see what was on her face, and she grins when her e/c eyes focus on it. A small butterfly is perched on the tip of her nose, it's wings a mix of pink and green. 

"Mitsuri butterfly" She giggles quietly to herself as the butterfly sets off. Her body moved up and down slightly in a soft rhythm, and she tries to get up to look around- but pain shoots all through her body. Her arm burnt beyond belief, and her legs felt numb- like they had been crushed.

"Don't fret too much" She hears a voice say, and she scans her eyes around. She spots the same girl from before she passed out walking along side her. (Y/N) stares at her for a second before realizing what was going on. She was being carried on a stretcher alongside multiple other slayers. Lifting her head as much as she could, she looks around frantically for the boar headed boy. A pit formed in her stomach as she looks around- unable to spot him. 

She feels a hand intertwine with hers and she snaps back towards the butterfly girl. Her amethyst eyes look sorrowful as she stares down at the young h/c head girl.

"Mitsuri told me all about you, and I promise that we'll get you to safety soon. Your pig headed friend is okay- The Water Pillar retrieved him about half an hour ago" Her soft voice explains, and (Y/N) immediately feels relief washing over her body. He was safe...that's all she cared about. She nods her head as she settles back down into the stretcher, and she tries her best to fall back asleep.


"Guys quiet down, she's still asleep" A voice hisses, and her eyes flutter open slightly. The boys don't appear to have noticed, and she shifts in her bed slightly. The soft cotton crinkles as she moves to get herself comfortable. 

"You're so loud" She groans as she goes to rub her eyes, but her right hand doesn't move. She looks down and sees it bandaged up in thick plaster- and she rolls her eyes. Almost every part of her was plastered up- so it would most likely be ages before she can fight again. The boys look over to her, Inosuke standing out the most. He was laying in bed with his mask pulled over his face looking at the girl. She smiles at him as she looks him up and down. Their beds were super close together and he didn't seem to be too injured, his arms and chest bandaged up.

"Inosuke" She says softly as she reaches her okay hand over to him. He instantly jumps up from his own bed and he moves directly towards her. He grasps her hand and he quickly rips off his mask. He had bruises all around his neck and his face seemed pale- as if he wasn't getting enough oxygen. 

"We'll leave you two alone for a minute" The maroon haired boy says softly, pulling Zenitsu out of the room- and he surprisingly doesn't put up a fight. The door slides closed and the two are left staring at each other, silent. (Y/N) removes her hand from his grip and places it on his cheek, her thumb moving in slow motions.

"You look pretty fucked up" He murmurs as he tilts his head into the touch, causing her to giggle. It was true, and she felt like a zombie.

"What happened after...after that thing flung me through the air" She asks quietly and he grunts. He seemed so drained and lifeless, normally he'd be jumping around telling the tale of how he 'killed' a huge ass demon. His green eyes close as he places his hand over hers, and he sighs.

"I got my ass kicked pretty bad by that huge shit. Then my life flashed before my eyes, and this really cool guy showed up and stole my thunder" He explains in a gruff voice, and (Y/N) shakes her head gently. There was the Inosuke she knew and loved. Wincing, she shifts in her bed and leans as close as she could to him. Of course this was pretty hard when you had plaster on both legs weighing you down. She places a gentle kiss on his forehead, and he feels the breath hitch in his throat.

The damn feeling in his tummy was still there, and this time it wouldn't go away. What was happening to him? He was incredibly conscious of her h/c hair fluttering against his face as she kissed his forehead, he was aware of her soft touch on his cheek, he was aware of her smell- no matter how faint it still was. He breaks away from her touch slightly, looking deep into her e/c eyes. There was a faint blush on her cheeks- only accentuating her stunning features.

"Inosuke" She whispers as she looks from his eyes down to his lips, and he gulps slightly. As soon as they begin leaning towards each other, the door bursts open.

Sorry for the short chapter! I've felt super bleh today, and my writers block decided to show up. Still, I hope you enjoy!

                                                          - Bunny!

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