seven ;

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i was awoken by sunlight shining through the half-opened blinds of my window as i groggily sat up with a massive head ache. i knew i shouldn't of drank. looking onto my nightstand, a pill and cup of water was placed along with a note-

guessing you woke up with a headache. that's what you get for drinking dumbass.

i laughed as i swallowed the pill and placed the note back down. i stood up and looked at myself in the full length-mirror infront of my bed. damn i look fucked up. i took a pair of hongjoong's sweatpants and san's shirt from inside my dresser and walked towards the bathroom to take a shower. i really need to get clothes.

as i stepped into the shower, i relaxed my body as the warm water cascaded down it like a waterfall. after washing my body and hair i stepped outside the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. trying to avoid the previous situation, i peeked in my room and and let out a breathe seeing nobody was in my room. walking into my room, i attempted to take my towel off before a loud san bursted through my door.


another scream left my mouth as I tightened the grip around my towel. "DOES NOBODY IN THIS HOUSE NOT KNOW THE DEFINITION OF PRIVACY?!"

The boy's hands clasped over his eyes as he stumbled out of the room. "IM SORRY, I DIDN'T KNOW U SHOWER!"

"AM I NOT ALLOWED TO SHOWER?!" an exasperated sigh left my lips as I turned around.

"N-NO I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THA- NEVERMIND I'LL JUST LEAVE" and with that, an embarrassed san made his way out of my room, stumbling down the hall with a red face.

i locked my door to be extra precautious and got dressed. after sitting on my bed and thinking for a solid 34 minutes, i got up and decided to make my way towards wooyoungs room.

staring at the door in front of me, a gulp made its way down my throat as i hesitantly knocked. "come in" hearing this as an okay, i opened the door to see wooyoung laying on his bed scrolling on his phone. an awkward cough left my throat as he glanced up at me. "oh, you actually came" he nervously grinned, scratching the back of his neck. "oh uh, yeah, it was nothing". i slowly sat at the corner of his bed as he straightened himself.

"how was the traffic?" he asked. a small giggle left my mouth at his question. "i live down the hall, but i mean yunho and mingi were causing quite a commotion in the hallway". his eyes widened at my response as he started coughing. "oh yeah, right. well um, i wanted to apologize, you know, for yesterday."


"oh well um, ill admit i shouldn't have acted out  the way i did towards you yesterday, it's just seeing you dressed up like that, going out with seonghwa hyung made me a bit... upset?" he looked down at his fingers nervously as a smirk was brought upon my lips. "are you sure you were ONLY upset?" his gaze focused on me as sigh left his lips. "well maybe i was just a tiny bit...."

"tiny bit what?"

he bit his lip before continuing "....jealous? ugh fine, i was jealous but it's because im really starting to like you and i mean with 7 other boys in this house it will be kinda hard to keep you to myself..."

i looked at him with hurt in my eyes. "'re basically calling me a hoe and saying i won't be loyal..?" he quickly shook his head and grabbed my hands in his. "no, no, no, no, NOOO that's not what i meant. i mean like, with your personality and looks, im sure the boys won't be able to keep it in their pants, though im convinced San may be gay.."

we laughed at his last comment when i scooted closer to him. "well, what are we...?" he simply smiled and gripped my hands tighter. "Whatever you want to be." i stared at him as i saw him leaning in. subconsciously, i did the same when i felt his soft lips on mine, fighting for dominance. he placed me in his lap as his tongue explored my mouth, making me let out a soft moan. he released his grip on my waist and i saw a spark of happiness throughout his face.

"EVERYBODY COME TO MY OFFICE!" seonghwa's voice echoed through the outside hallways. "well, you heard the man, let's go" i smiled and left the room as I felt his presence following behind me.

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