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You were happily snuggled up next to the love of your life, Bokuto. The fuzzy, teal blanket enveloped both of them, providing the teens with a gleeful warmth. His head was in between your squishy thighs as you delicately played with his silver hair. Your warm back was against the soft sofa, glistening eyes glued to the Tv. You were watching some random cooking show, which made you crave-even the wonderful scent- of food. The athletic teens mouth started to water, his hazel eyes sparkling with delight. 

"Hey hey hey, Y/N, I have a crazy idea!" He beamed.

"Aaaaand what is that?" You questioned nervously.

"Lets go to the store!"

"Im sorry the what?" You grapple your phone to monitor the time.


"Bobo, its 3am!"


You give him a worried face with bags under your eyes. You give a 'tsk' with a small giggle. Even your small noises were like the finest piece of Beethoven being played. He gives an irresistible pout with stars in his eyes, clinging on to the rim of your shirt like a scared child. This cute motherfucker. "Fiiiine, we can go," You continue, "Only one one condition." He tilts his head like a confused owl. You give a sly smirk and gently close your lidded eyes and point to your rosy right cheek. You can hear the excitement coming from him. He grabs your face, a bit too harshly and starts attacking you with Butterly kisses. Your laugh echoes the room, it's like harmonies.

He eventually stops, you two both sweating salty water(?), and he finally replies,

"Lets get cracking then, babe!"

The echoing sound of footsteps filled the empty shopping centre, followed by giggles and small chats. He had his arm intervened with yours, the euphoric scent of Volleyballs and cologne lingered around him. A muffled song played throughout the mall, creating an eerie aura. You shudder a bit, grip tightening to Bokuto's muscular arm. He gave you a loving look, reassuring it was ok. You smiled and planted a kiss on his cheek, the taste of buttercup and vanilla loitered your crimson lips. The tall boy could feel you smiling on his cheek. 

"Wanna get a shopping cart?" He asks.

"Good idea, i'm to tired to carry everything..." You scratch the back of your lanky neck with a sheepish smile. He giggles and pinches your blood-red tinted squishy cheeks,  murmuring things like , "You're so adorable," and, "Im so glad you're mine.." .

It all stops when Bokuto lets out a dramatic gasp, his hazel eyes glimmering. He points to the junk food isle, finding a feast of unhealthy desires. You eventually let out a gasp as well, you two both sprinting to the isle. He grabs your dainty hand, helping you keep up. As you two are running like ninjas, he picks you up and puts you in the trolly, making you choke out, "HEY!!" He cackles his signature smile and pushes you both at inhuman speed, grabbing various snacks along the way. You drown in snacks, laughing until you feel sick as he runs to the cashier, the confused man giving you a flabbergasted look. You and Bokuto give a toothy grin as the cashier silently judges you.

You both finally finish, slumping to the car. These bags are so heavy! You exclaim in your mind. 


As you loudly munch on your Bugles, you feel your eyelids start to feel heavy. You try your very best to keep them open, but the Owl boy notices you. He giggles a bit a he pulls you close to his chest. Its like being put next to an immeasurable, cooked marshmallow. You manage to wife his blissful scent as you begin to doze off. Even your heaviest snores sounded like an orchestra of harps played by angles. The tired teen rested his hard chin on top of your luxurious hair, starting to get infected by your exhaustion. Before he slept, he whispered huskily one last thing in your ear, 

"I love you so much, my little dumpling. You're so pure and sweet, how did I end up with a miracle like you?" 

You, still being half awake smiled softly, face heating up a bit and softly replying with, 

"Back at cha, owl baby~"





Sowwy if I might be inactive for a bit, its just school can suck my non-existent dick >:(


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