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A slim figure rolled on the bed enjoying the blissful sleep. On the wall was a painting of a fox and other pictures. The room was done in grey and white. It was actually done  in a basement setting. Bulbs in stringed wires were tied from the roof of the room to the bed, the same string tied to the hanging chair that was hung three steps from the bed. Beside the bed was the only large window that had two stars hanging above led to the garden.

In front of the bed was a transparent candlelight box, by the side a mistletoe tree, on one corner was a reading table with drawers and chair, a computer, books and box sat on the table. Facing the table on a wall were framed photos of quotes and one of her. To the left was three doors one leading to the bathroom, another to the closet and the last outside the room.A large fluffy rug sat on the floor of the enormous room. A guitar against the wall.

'Grrrrrr grrrrr' the alarm clock on the bedside rang out. Her enormous silver eyes pop open. '7:00' the alarm showed She stretched yawning widely.

Her brown curls fell all over her face using one hands to push them away from her face, Brooklyn Cooper stood  up and push the curtains open sunlight pours into the room making her squint her eyes as she hurriedly put on her glasses.

Brooklyn picks up her grey cat kitty and scratch behind her ears just the way she likes it. Kitty purrs softly causing Brooklyn to laugh, she place her down and pours milk and cat food into her separate feeding bowl then turn on the stereo system pressing the play button on her phone Chained to the rhythm by Katy Perry came on, she smile before going to brush her teeth and take her bath.

Brooklyn sneakered feets tap the floor as she ran to the kitchen, she found her mother had already set the table and was waiting for her.

"Good morning Mom,"Brooklyn went around to hug and peck her Mother.  "Lynn! How are you! You look pretty this morning!" Melissa Cooper said touching her daughter's face.

"Thanks Mom. You look amazing too,"Brooklyn smile and took her place at the table. After her dad died in her junior year it has been her and her mom and she loved it that way. Her mom was a medical doctor who worked at a hospital two hours drive away from their home. She was one of the most sought after doctor in the whole district and was always working overtime but yet gave her all she wanted.

Melissa brushed off the compliment "Yeah yeah. But we're not talking about me. It's your first day in your senior year are you excited?"She ask dishing out the food for them.

Brooklyn nod "Yeah, I mean finally I'll done with school and go off to college but better am more than happy to leave high school." Sincerely she was happy that finally she would be out of high school and far away from this town. Not that she hated it, but Trenton New Jersey wasn't a place for her and held too much memories for her.

"Well that's good honey, I just want you to have fun at school okay? Be yourself, it's your final year you might want to live it to the fullest and honey get a boyfriend okay?" Melissa grin.

Brooklyn eyes widen "Mom!!!"   Her mom burst into laughter.

"Are you serious mommy?" She frown

"I am, honey you're 17 and you've never had a boyfriend! I wonder who's taking you to prom this year?" Melissa roll her eyes she loves her daughter and all but she wants her to live like every normal teenage girl out there. She knew Brooklyn still resented her dad's death but she still wanted her to live her life.

"Whatever mom, i have to go now," Brooklyn stood up and pick up her backpack.

"Wait!!" Melissa disappeared into her room and came back with a camera.


"What?? It's for memories! My baby is finally a senior!" Melissa smile almost in tears, Brooklyn sigh and groaned as she posed for the picture.  "Smile," her mom teased her.

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