*Annoyed af-*

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Okay, I have a little problem with someone. And I don't exactly like them a whole bunch. They were..a bit annoying and everything. I don't like them, and they tried to guilt trip me after I "dumped" them. And it's just aggravating, so I talked to a friend about it. I won't say you're name, since you don't want to get involved.

But uh..yeah. The conversation I'm about to show you will explain why I'm mad.

And just so you know, if you get confused at first, I was talking about how I "dumped" him and what happened. I was in a bit of a mood, too at the time. So..I was just upset, so it's gonna be a little crazy I guess.

I was just upset, so it's gonna be a little crazy I guess

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He practically tells girls that he loves them

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He practically tells girls that he loves them. Probably every single one. And he told me today that he has a girlfriend. Like, that fast? Nuh uh.

So, girls, don't talk to this guy.

I'm sorry if I sound rude of demanding. I'm sorry if I'm insulting you in some way if he's your friend.

Most of you should know who I'm talking about. Ahem-


Ahem- ⬆️

But yeah. He's aggravating. He's a cheater most likely.

I know a bad person when I see one. And this guy is a bad one. He's no good. I'm sorry.

And...the conversation explains the rest.

So guys, if you know who I'm talking about (ask me first in PM's or something-), I want you to block him or something. Just do something so this can stop.

It's ridiculous.

Anyways, thanks for coming to my little rant. Have a great day/evening/night, y'all. Bai.

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