Chapter two

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We can basically now officially call it an affair probably since it's been going on ever since. They both lost track of the fact that in the end they'd have to face reality. Lilliana fold her arms in front of her stomach watching the fake wedding taking place. Her on screen son dancing his first dance with his fake wife. She never had the wedding she wanted, did she?
She look at Jeffrey and give a heavy sighed. He take her hand and walk with her to the empty space. He pull her to his body and fold his arm around her swaying from side to side. She can't break now. They're actors, that's all.
"I love you, Lilliana," he whisper softly in her ear. She close her eyes in his neck to remember. This moment is so perfect. Well, too perfect to be true.
"Cut! That's a wrap everybody!"
She take a deep breath and pull away from him. He give her a serious look.
"Eight," she mouth at him and walk away. He immediately look at some of the actors that made a joke about him dancing with the on screen drama queen. He chuckle and look at Lilliana that got stuck in a conversation with the crew. It's life changing how one movie can affect someone. How many mother-in-laws out there makes life hell to their children's partners?
In complete silence, Lilliana wait impatiently in the garden for Jeffrey. It's already eight. Didn't he understand her perhaps?
After waiting another two minutes, Jeffrey finally showed up with the excuse of how difficult it was to escape without drawing attention. She can't blame him at all.
"Jeff, what do you think will happen when everything is over?" Lilliana ask sitting next to him under the tree playing with his fingers in hers. The memories they've created will always be a burden. They'll always find that specific characteristics in other people. She knows they can't be together. He's married! Same goes the other way.
"I don't know," he reply having no expression on his face besides that stern look of having no idea. He never knew he'd come to feel this way, did he?
"Right," she let go of his hand and sit up straight. He look at her. She stand up and fix her dress. It's typical how men can be sometimes, but the thing is just that he doesn't know how to communicate without causing a scene. There's so much to say, yet no words are able to describe or speak so much as the truth. "In case you've wondered, thi meant more to me than just some affair or whatever we had."
Jeffrey stand up and grab her hand just when she wanted to leave. She give him an odd look that pulled her closer touching her cheek softly.
"I feel se free spirited around you," he whisper to her. "I've never experienced any feeling such as what I experience with you. I mean every word. I won't regret giving us a shot."
"But we're both married people," she say and give him a sad look. "Let's not ruin that. Besides, Tania doesn't deserve being broken. People will question us. I think it's better if we move on with our lives and forget that we ever were something."
He look unhappily at her. This isn't what he wants. No, not at all. She touch his cheek and kiss his lips.
"It's better this way," she cry softly and fold her arms walking backwards. He grab hef and hold her tight in his arms. She put her arms around him to remember what once changed her life will only become a distant memory. He want to go down on one knee, get divorced with Tania and make this princess his queen, but his mind is fighting against his heart.

One thing is for certain. There is no communication between Lilliana and Chris. Not even around dinner. The kids are out of the house so what else keep them together except the house.
"Who's Tammy?" Lilliana broke down the silence. The blonde man shoots his eyes at her getting still as a quiet ocean. She look at him and raise an eyebrow.
"Well... Uh..."
He look down. He can't reply. How do you tell your wife you're in love with someone else.
"I think we must do what's best for both of us," she mutter unhappily and look down. He look at her. She get tears in her eyes as she look up and sit back.
"Divorce?" he ask. She look at him and nod her head slowly. He take a deep breath in and sit forward. "I didn't think it'll come to this."
"Well, when you're involve with someone else you must expect anything," she say and look down. "I'm in love with someone I can't be with."
He raise an eyebrow at her. She look at him and start to cry softly. For the first time in almost forever he doesn't know what to say or how to react.

Time carries the most painful memories. Was it ever worth it? Maybe is she and Jeffrey didn't kiss or anything, she wouldn't have felt like this. No, what difference would it have made? It's done. Where there was two seats, there's only one now.
For Jeffrey everything is the exact opposite. Going through a divorce himself is painful too. This is where he stands down his music career and acting. He's done. Attending interviews about the movie was like usual. But Lilliana always had an excuse when she knew Jeffrey will be there too. They try to avoid as much possible news and photos because of how much it hurts. Two broken people, miles apart by heart, just living in each other's memories now. Lilliana is just about to have everything completely different. Different indeed.

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