Chapter six

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It's a little bit late. The three of them have spend their whole day together. Getting Annalie in bed was no problem. It was very easy since this day has her completely exhausted. Jeffrey spend a while beside her bed admiring the sleeping girl. He kiss her front head and stood up. He walk down to the kitchen and look at Lilliana that wipe off the counter.
"Thanks for today," he say with a soft look on his face. She look at him and nod. He look around then back at her. "It was nice."
"You're leaving?" she ask when he walk to the door. He look at her and give her an odd look. She fold her hands in front of her lap and just look at him waiting for a response.
"I want to ask you something," he approach her slowly. She nervously stand up straight. "But I don't know how or when to ask you."
She nervously let go of her breath and nod slowly. Whatever question it can be, has her nervous. Will he ask her out? Will he ask jer about what their affair nine years ago meant? Will he ask her about Annalie. She doesn't know.
"You may ask," she whisper.
"Is she mine?" he ask softly. She remain still. "Lilliana, is Annalie my daughter?"
"Yes," she nod softly and grab her mouth as the tears began streaming out of eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't know how to tell you. You were married."
He give her an angry look. He rush to the door and open it Storming out.
"No, Jeffrey please!" she cry and run after him. She stop in the door and watch him get in his car driving off. She throw her head back against the doorframe and start to cry. Her heart is breaking all over again. But how could she keep such a secret away from someone? What did he do wrong to her.

It's early morning already. Lilliana is watching Annalie eating her breakfast with Luke. He looks just like his father.
"I met mom's friend," Annalie says to her brother. He give her a smile and look at Lilliana. "He's very nice."
"He?" Luke ask raising an eyebrow.
"Jeffrey," Lilliana immediately got his attention. He look terrified at his mother. He noticed that she's been crying, but didn't bother to ask. Well, he knows how madly in love she fell with the only man she's not allowed to have.
"You mean, 'the Jeffrey' ?"
She nod and fold her arms. He give his mother a sorry look.
"And he knows," she say to him. "He knows that he's her..."
She look down and swallow a lump. Annalie ignores them and plays with her doll while eating.
"When did he find out?" Luke ask terrified.
"Last night," Lilliana whisper. "He was so angry. He just stormed out."
"He's just shocked," Luke give her an odd look. "Does she know?"
"No," Lilliana shake her head.

It's almost afternoon. Lilliana is building puzzles with Annalie. She clap her hands and kiss her daughter's head when they finished her princess puzzle. The doorbell immediately got their attention. Lilliana stand up and go to the door. She open it. Her eyes lighten up when she saw Jeffrey. He has a little girl on his side.
"Jeff," she look grateful at him then in the house again. "Annalie! Come look who's here!"
Annalie run in. She gasp and jump up and down happily.
"I have a friend," she giggle. Jeffrey give the girl a smile. The two look almost just the same. He put the four year old down. "Thank you uncle!"
She give him a hug. He hug her back and kiss her hair.
"Annalie, this is Jacky. Jacky, this is Annalie," he introduced them. The girls gjve each other a hug still shy. Jacky look up at Lilliana and put her arms up. Lilliana pick her up to give her a hug. She put her down again and watch the two girls run off. Jeffrey close the door behind him and just stare at her.
"I'll only forgive you if we tell Annalie," he whisper to her. She look at him and shake her head.
"I won't tell her if you're not going to be here for her. If you want to be her father, you have to be her dad," she say straightforward and give him a serious look. "I don't care how this will break me, but I won't allow my daughter to get hurt."
"You mean our daughter," he whisper and touch her cheek to wipe away her tears. "Lilliana, I'm here to stay now. I want to be there every step of the way for you and Annalie," he reply straightforward.
"You missed out nine years..."
"Nine years, not fifty or eighty."
She nod her head and close her eyes. He place a kiss on her front head staying there longer than he planned. She look up at him hoping he'd place that kiss on her lips now.
"Why don't we arrange a game night for tomorrow night then I can meet your kids and my boys can meet you?" he ask with a smile. "Then they can see my daughter's amazing mother."
"Sweet," she smile impressed. "Let's do that."
He give her a smile. Her eyes is his escape. They're deep just like his love for her.

It's quite late. Lilliana and Jeffrey walk to Annalie's room. They look amazed at the two that fell asleep next to each other. Jeffrey pick Annalie up and put her in her bed. He kiss her front head and tuck her in. Lilliana take the extra blanket from the cabinet. Jeffrey pick Jacky up in his arms. She walk to them and fold the blanket around the five-year-old. He walk out to his car and put her in the back.
"Thank you for today," he smile at her. She nod and take a deep breath in enlarging her chest.
"My pleasure," she smile and grab his hand when he wanted to climb in his car. "Would you like to tell Annalie tomorrow?"
"Yes, I would love to," he nod with a smile. She let go of his hand and stand back. He climb in his car and just stare at her for a while. She fold her arms and stand back waiting for him to climb out his car, grab her and kiss her, but his reaction isn't one she expected. For a minute it looked like he wants to climb out, but he fights against his inner thoughts and drive off. Well, how long will it take for him to finally be with the woman he's loved for nine years. Soon it'll be ten, a full decade.

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