Chapter four

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She turn around and give a big smile. Well, not the way she ever thought she would react when she'll see him again.
Her eyes lock on him. A beard? He kiss her cheek and give her a hug. She desire to stay there longer, but reality is a clap in the face. She pull away and give him an odd look.
"How are you?" he ask her nicely.
"I'm okay," she smile softly and put her arm in his leading them away from any attention. He give her a smile that let go of h and took a full glass of wine. "How are you?"
"Much better," he reply with a smile. "Congratulations about you award."
"Sorry you didn't win though," she mention deliberately hoping that they can somehow start to hate each other so much that there's no reason to ever tell him about Annalie.
"Kevin deserved that award."
So selfless. Lilliana drink up the wine and put it down. She finally admit that she had enough.
"So, I didn't know you got divorced," Lilliana say and glare up at him. He chuckle and jjst fold his arms.
"I try to stay more possible in the shadows," Jeffrey nod and look around then back at her. "How about you? Are you and Chris still married?"
"What?" she laugh and shake her head looking at him. "We broke up right after we stopped filming together, Jeffrey."
"Really?" he ask with a smile and nod his head slowly. "Why?"
"Reasons," Lilliana reply and bite her lip.
"Reasons?" he raise an eyebrow. She give a heavy sighed and chuckle softly.
"Things just didn't work out," she reply and take a deep breath in. "So, you don't look at the magazines or at the television?"
"Not really," he chuckle. "I do watch movies, but that's about it."
"Do you know that I have a little late lamb?" Lilliana ask raising an eyebrow. Well, she's not going to just tell him straightaway. Perhaps throwing a few hints would do for now. But she's doing a great job with Annalie by herself so far, why would she want to throw that away? Look, she has the benefit of keeping her little girl to herself. She doesn't have to share her!
"A late lamb?" he ask confused.
"It's an idiom," she reply. "Well, actually in another language, but I'm using this translation to describe my..."
She look down still holding her reward. He give her an odd look. How stupid can he be. She look at him again and shrug her shoulders.
"She's nine years old," Lilliana take a deel breath in and smile nervously at him.
"Oh," he finally realised. "You have a little girl. Wow."
"Yes we have," she whisper. He look around him then back at her. She's a lovely masterpiece of art standing in front of him. Can one hug kill them when all he wants to do is hold her against his chest, smell her hair and feel the warmth of her soft skin.
"Would you like to take a walk?" he ask with a little smile. She nod and walk awah immediately. He follow her out to the back. There's a beautiful garden and has a fountain in the middle of the grass section. Well, it's suppose to be beautiful, right? Lilliana look around her in silence then at Jeffrey. They're not in danger. Luckily there's guards at the entrance back inside that'll keep an eye on her.
She look at him that took a step closer to her. He raise his hand and touch her cheek softly.
"I've missed you," he whisper softly to her. She nod her head and start to cry. He pull her into his embrace and hold her tight. After nine years you would think she'd have her barriers set up high, but she's delicate and soft. She fold her arms around his neck and put her face in his neck. She has to be selfless and tell him the truth, but how?
"Why didn't we just get together after we both got divorced?" she ask and look up at him. "I mean, then we could've been happy and Annalie wouldn't be confused at all."
"Is Chris her dad?" he ask straightforward. She remain quiet. Well, some questions are meant to be left unanswered. This is just way too easy. "Lilliana?"
"Jeffrey," she look at him and just pull up her shoulders. Well, she knows he's the dad, but she doesn't want to just tell him yet. "I don't know."
"What do you mean you don't know?" he ask giving her an odd look. She look down and pull away slowly. Who's she to give in to the arms of the man she love so much, get know so less of.
"I should probably go," she whisper and put the award down to take off her heels. He give her an odd look.
"We could never be together, Jeffrey. Besides if we were, Annalie wouldn't have been the girl she is today," she hold both shoes and stood up. She look at him then ran in. Well, she has to before he ask any further questions.
"Lilliana," he grab the little figure she left behind and run after her. She run out of the building to her car. Hopelessly, Jeffrey watch her car leave. He look at the award she received tonight and give a heavy sighed. Well, it's okay, right? He can just call her agent and ask her to help him return Lilliana's award.

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