Chapter seven

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In a beautiful long casual dress, Lilliana put snacks out in the living room where they'll have their game night. Her hair is loose and she's wearing only a little bit of make up. Annalie open the front door surprised to see Jeffrey there.
"Hey there," he greet her and scoop her up in her arms. She giggle and give him a hug. Lilliana run in to the kitchen. Her heart stops. He look impressed at her. She's a goddess.
After finally getting comfortable around the table and talking about the game night, Jeffrey send Lilliana a signal. She's clearly very nervous.
"Annalie, darling, we have something to tell you," Lilliana broke the ice.
"You're getting married!" she guessed rightaway delightful of the idea.
"No," Lilliana laugh and touch her hand. "Sweetheart, uncle Jeffrey has a confession to make. I need you to listen very carefully. Okay?"
"Okay," she nod with a smile.
"Remember when you asked mommy who your daddy is?" Jeffrey ask and take her little hand in his. She nod with big eyes. "I know this will sound very confusing, but a few years ago me and mommy fell in love. We couldn't be together. I was married to someone else and mommy was married with uncle Chris. When two people love each other, they engage into doing an activity that can cause a lady to get pregnant. Me and mommy shared something very deep and it caused her to get pregnant with you. That means I'm your daddy."
A smile grow on her lips and her eyes brightens up. She jump over the table into his arms. He put her on his lap and hold her in his arms. Lilliana get tears in her eyes by this perfect picture.

"Truth or dare?" Jack ask Lucy's husband. Of all games how did it end with spin-the-bottle?
"Truth," he say. Everyone is sitting on the mat enjoying their time.
"What's the most embarrassing moment you ever had?"
"The first time I met Lilliana, she walked in on me butt naked," he reply. Lilliana laugh awkwardly with the rest.
"I did knock," Lilliana say and rub her Annalie's hair. He laugh and spin the bottle. It ends on Annalie which immediately sat up happy that she got chosen.
"I choose truth!" she immediately say. They laugh. She really stole everyone's hearts.
"Okay Annalie, when were you on your happiest?" Rob ask her. She give a little smile.
"When mommy told me uncle Jeffrey is my daddy," she immediately reply. "I was always happy when I got gifts and spend time with everyone, but today I was a different happy and I liked it."
Lilliana give her front head and send Jeffrey a wink. She spin the bottle very satisfied that it ended on Jeffrey.
"I choose dare," Jeffrey smile at her. She take a second to think and only end up with one.
"Okay, I dare you to kiss mommy."
Lilliana turn a bright red colour feeling her face warm up. Her siblings clap hands. Well, they've been waiting for this, haven't they?
"Where? Cheek?" Jeffrey ask.
"No, on the mouth like in the movies," she say and jump over to Lucy's lap. Lilliana shake her head in disbelief and look at Jeffrey that also looked at her.
"Go! Go! Go!" they clap their hands to cheer them on. Lilliana laugh awkwardly. Well, she's always been waiting for his lips on her, but never thought it'll be in front of their children. He push his fingers through her hair and head closer to her face. His lips touch her soft lips. Hers form under his at this passionate kiss. There's so much love. Nine years of waiting. They pull away and look down. The kids laugh and wait for them to continue.
"How does her lips feel?" his youngest sob tease him. He pretend to grab the bottle and point it to him.

After a little while everyone was busy enjoying dinner in the house going crazy. Lilliana took a second for fresh air and went outside. Jeffrey took Annalie to her bed since she already ate and fell asleep on the couch.
The night is just so perfect. Lilliana look at the full moon and smile softly.
"They're perfect," Jeffrey say getting her attention. They're alone outside. She give him a smile and nod her head.
"My kids like you," she smile at him.
"My boys like you too," he reply and chuckle. She give a giggle and look down. "So, about that kiss..."
She start to blush all over again. He touch her chin to lift up her face. She give him a smile and just stare into his eyes. He take her hair out of her face admiring every part of her beauty. The wrinkles under her eyes, the little bit of saggy skin above het eyes, her perfect pink lips, her red cheeks and glow on her skin that catches the stars in her eyes. She also stare at his face. She never thought he'd ever grow a beard and a mustache. He's perfect. His lips rest on hers. She kiss him back and touch his chest. He fold his arms around her body holding her tight. She giggle as they pull away from the kiss.
"You're a very good kisser," he whisper to her. She laugh softly and fold her arms around his neck. She laugh and touch his face giving him another kiss. His mouth opens under hers. She give a little moan while they start to make out. Well, they should've known how poisonous one simple kiss can be.
He touch her butt. Her body is still ib such amazing good shape, not perfect, but well.
"Oh my gosh, Jeffrey I have guests," she giggle and pull away.
"They can wait," he reply. She laugh and pull away. He follow her back inside. She grab two plates and dish up for them. He just follow her lead.

After a while everyone has already left. Jeffrey throw his jacket in the backseat and look at Lilliana that came towards him.
"Thank you for tonight," she thank with a smile. He take her hand and pull her closer. He give her a quick kiss. The ice got broken, now they fire is burning.
"Can I call you my girlfriend?" he ask and touch her face. She lean back against his car and bite her bottom lip.
"Yes," she whisper and run her fingers over his chest. "That's if you're not afraid of the press and of me."
"Honey, I didn't have this chance nine years ago, I'm definitely taking it now," he say. She giggle and rest her head on his chest.
"I missed you," she whisper. He lean against her and rest his hands on her sides. "Come over tomorrow night. We can watch movies. I'll ask Lucy to babysit Annalie then we can spend some time alone."
"Should I bring anything?" he ask softly.
"Whatever you want love," she whisper. He give her a deep kiss.

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